


8 years, 10 months ago


NameTevyn, Tev/Tevy
AgeLate 20s
PronounsAny, but mainly they/them
SpeciesHalf Dragon/Half Human


Tevyn is a hybrid of human and dragon, born to enemies of the state Ren and Zeki (who were as shocked as anyone that interbreeding was even possible).  The circumstances of their birth are explained more in depth in their parents' profiles & I don't feel like reiterating here cuz it's honestly not that important to their overall narrative.

Their life takes a turn when they finally convince their family to let them interact with the rest of human civilization, rather than stay sheltered in the woods with their birthclan.

A teenager enamored by the outside world and impressed by such things as INDOOR PLUMBING and SPICES is an easy target for a totally mediocre fuckboy to impress, so they immediately got into a Romeo & Juliet type of forbidden, exciting romance with the son of the guy in charge of kicking the dragons out of Ledrakile. 

The good news is it didn't end with a body count, their families eventually put their grievances aside for the sake of their childrens' happiness (KIND OF)(they still very much hate each other they're just not going to take it out on the kids). The bad news is Tobi wasn't nearly as interested in the relationship if his dad didn't hate it, so he ditched it pretty soon after.

Meanwhile Tevyn was still very much in love, and extremely devastated by the breakup.  And after all of the drama of convincing their parents that this was TRUE LOVE FOREVER they were too embarrassed to go home, so they didn't.

Tevyn spends the next few years travelling, aka just tagging along with whoever would have them & basically exchanging sex for food/rides/places to sleep.  The people they did this with would probably not describe what happened as transactional as that, but Tevyn very much was using them (THEY FEEL BAD FOR LYING TO THEM, but they feel worse for 'cheating' on Tobi by seeing other people, even if they never planned on committing to any of them).

This pattern hits a snag when they start 'dating' Hector.  And in hindsight, the thing that was different about Hector was the presence of Buddy. I mean Hec was a cool dude, they liked him, but Buddy's clingy, jealous routine getting in the way of private time w/ Hec made THEM really clingy & jealous and as far as they're concerned that POSSESSIVE feeling about another person IS love.  And that freaks Tevyn out a bit because it wasn't supposed to happen!  They were supposed to get back with Tobias, their One True Love, and they fucked it up by catching feelings for Hector.

They're just about to accept their situation and really commit to Hector who actually wants them, when Hec goes and dies.  And in the process of mourning,  they run into Tobi, who's apparently also been living in this hick town in the middle of the desert.

So they see this string of horrible coincidences and come to the conclusion that this was clearly some higher power trying to push them back towards Tobias, now equipped with the tools they needed to win him back (ie: make him jealous).

They convince Tobi to let them move in with him, under the guise of 'My boyfriend just died & I have no other friends in town & no money to go home can I roommate with you I will do all of your chores'.  Tobi accepts, because why not it's free labor(and also it would just be nice to have someone around who thinks he's cool again).

Things are going as well as one might expect (awkwardly).

Personality & Outlook

Believes people get what they deserve in life, and that if you work hard and don't give up, everything will work out. Judgmental of people who give up on things but still complain about it. Very competitive, especially over affection(especially over Tobi's affection).

More prone to envy than admire other people & doesn't really care to be around people who are happy/brag all the time. They're still 'in the middle of their story', so they don't want to hang out around people who are already living happily-ever-after.

Shy and Awkward, especially around new people, but always happy to help. Hard-working and Stubborn, likes for everything to be tidy and dislikes having nothing to do.

Generally regarded as kind and gentle, but can get really nasty when they're mad. Not physically violent but they don't pull punches when it comes to words & will go right after your insecurities in a fight.

Powers & Assets

They can breathe fire, as well as shift into a monstrous form that looks midway between a human and dragon. Instinctual urges to hunt/hoard/sunbathe after a big meal/etc.

Grew up scavenging & hunting their own food & to this day always prefer to learn to make something themself rather than store-buy anything. Low-key looks down on people who don't/can't do the same

Pretty much a housewife nowadays and has picked up lots of domestic skills: cleaning, cooking, sewing, gardening, etc



Tobi [love interest]
The love of their life, who they will win back if it kills them.


Buddy [friend]
A not-friend they made on their post-breakup mistake quest who is still sticking around. Mainly used to make Tobi jealous, or at least to annoy him a whole lot.


Izekiel [dad]
Their father, who Tev KNOWS is super concerned about them, and probably having a heart attack about their not contacting him really at all since they left the nest, but tbh they don't want him to know what they've been up to!!


Renku [mom]
Their mother who is also probably very concerned about them. Tev not telling her what they've been up to/where they are is less about protecting her and more about not wanting to face her disappointment.


Hector [dead ex]
The first person Tevyn loved after Tobi. Tevyn took his death as a sign that Tobi was their soul mate, and that the universe did not want them to move on.


Innit [ENEMY]
Some asshole who invades their territory(aka tobi's house) every once in a while, whom they hate intensely(mainly because Innit nitpicks their housework a la some step-motheresque bullying). Even after learning about Innit's whole enslaved-and-brainwashed situation, they still just absolutely despise him.


Alyss [ENEMY]
Tobi's employer, ex, and vampiric sire, whom Tevy is jealous & hateful of on all of those grounds. Everything she does makes Tevyn Angre(flirting with & also threatening Tobi, on top of making them deal with Innit). They can't really do shit about it cuz she's the landlord & could fuck Tev & Tob's living situation right up on a whim so they just quietly rage(or take it out on Innit).



Vibrant sunny-day colors, light filtering through glass. A perfectly-tended flower garden.  A buffer from reality, soft edges on everything.

Clothing preferences: short-mid length dresses or otherwise flowy/loose clothes, orange/yellow base with blue/white accents is the typical color scheme, preferred patterns are polka-dotted & floral, floral accessories. Very summery/cutesy casual vibe


• Always sunburnt because of a combination of albinism and inability to resist the instinct to sunbathe(especially on cheeks & shoulders)

• enjoys acting! Does a lot of plays @ local theatre (it's very satisfying to play a hero & complete an arc plus also costumes are cool) (being genderfluid means u can try out for every role)

• they hoard glass containers (jars, vases, hummingbird feeders, tableware, etc)

• Tevyn looooves spicy food. They're really into curry and thai-style foods lately

• Kind of a paleo snob but also really don't think they could happily go back to the diet they grew up on(basically anything they could hunt/scavenge for themselves in the Angstromi wilds)(they love SPICES too much)

Q & A

Q: Do they notice their father's worry for them?
A: (OOC) They actually, haven't seen their parents in years, but they definitely figure he & mom are worried about them. And would be mad/disappointed about them going to Tobi for shelter instead of coming home to them to be a family again. They don't wanna face that but also the longer they put off contacting them the worse they feel lmao,,, That reunion is not gonna be fun.

Q: How would you say [the initial romance with Tobias] impacted his character and how does this affect his future relationships? 
WHOO BOI. Tev's first go at romance w/ Tobi really fucked them up relationship-wise...although it's hard to know if it's specifically something Tobias did or if Tevyn just is naturally a fuckign Yandere. Aside from Hector(who is dead now), none of Tev's other relationships have been very serious, most often just physical affairs although Tev's def gotten together with people just to have a place to stay for a bit. They def feel guilty about it, both from a place of 'using people is bad' & a place of Tobias-based delusion(feels like they're cheating on him even though they're broken up, a double helpng of feeling bad for leading this new person on when they're obviously going to leave them for Tobi at some point).

Q: Could you elaborate on Tobi & Tevyn's current relationship?
Tobi accepted Tevyn back into his life in the form of a housemate, they're not in a romantic relationship atm! Tevyn is very much trying to get it there but Tobi is less interested in that than just having someone around who likes him & will do his housework. Makes him feel like slightly less of a loser(I mean he likes Tevy he just is done w/ them romantically & would rather just be friends but doesn't wanna actually explain his feelings & would rather lead them on than risk pissing off the one person in the world who actually thinks he's cool).

Tevyn,, isn't dumb? They could probably tell exactly what was going on if they weren't aggressively ignoring it in favor of just chasing the dream of having a storybook romance & living happily ever after w/ their beloved & 2.5 children. They kinda spent their early years secluded in the woods w/ their parents & then they rejoined human society @ about the same time they were doing puberty & have kinda just been obsessive about sex/romance(specifically sex/romance w/ Tobias) ever since & I guess haven't had a real reason to sit down & try and figure out who they are outside of the context of a romantic/sexual relationship,,,

These two are assholes & wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it bit them on the ass. #WaHRSquad

Q: How do they react/behave when around a total slob of a person? Like, the type of person that leaves a mess in their wake wherever they go-

That depends entirely on the context lmao.  If they're at somebody's house & that person is a slob they'd probably ignore it(aka not say or do anything about it, but still judge them silently).  

If it's just some rando littering in public they'd do some passive aggressive shit like pick up their discarded trash & make full eye contact while walking it over to a trash bin(SERIOUSLY THERE ARE TRASH RECEPTACLES EVERYWHERE IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!).

Inside their own house you are definitely getting berated for PUTTING YOUR SHOES on my GODDAMN COFFEE TABLE!!  I WAS RAISED IN THE FUCKING WOODS AND EVEN I KNOW BETTER THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOU TO BE SHEDDING SAND ON MY FURNITURE- [proceeds to beat them with a broom]

Q: What kind of music do they like?

A: (OOC) They grew up on folk/religious music cuz back home they didn’t have the access to electricity to be wasting it on playing music & had to make their own instruments & sing their own songs.  That will always hold a special place in their heart but the first time they listened to music with a nice headset they fucking cried & they really like layered music with little details you can only pick out if you’re paying close attention.  (Tobi thinks they pretend to like classical for his sake but they do genuinely like it a lot).  DOESN’T play an instrument but thinks they might like to.

Artist Notes

  • very wide-eyed? iris should not be touching both lids unless they're squinting p severely
  • lizard mouth
  • if they don't look like a lizard you're drawing them wrong
  • constantly sunburned on the cheeks & shoulders
  • If you'd rather draw a pre-designed outfit than make one up, I'd prefer one from here