


6 years, 8 months ago



flirty · proud · untrusting · theatrical · reckless · volatile


Name Ryn Winthorpe
Age 24
Gender Male (he/him)
Sexuality Bisexual
Species Human
Occupation Night fill
Album Bloodsport

"Oh yeah, I'm a triple threat. Great voice, sick moves, and an unstoppable need to make an ass of myself."

First Sight

Something about him... you can't seem to take your eyes off him.

Neither can anyone else, apparently. A man with a voice way bigger than he is. All the spikes and probaby-fake leather let you know he's a bad boy. All edgy and alternative with that long hair. He peacocks around as if he's very handsome, but the more you examine him, the more haggard you realise he looks.

He smiles when he catches you staring, locking eyes with you for that second, before he turns his attention back to the group he's already entertainig with those theatrical antics of his.

Oh My Protag


Ryn's parents sucked. His father fucked off pretty early on. His mother tried not to suck but she failed as spectacularly as you could possibly imagine to the point she was deemed unfit to be his guardian. Ryn was put in the care of his aunt, who resented this arangement. He resented her right back. Ryn was a terror of a child; he was a bully at school, and a menace to authority. A mess in general. Took to destroying himself in most of the ways a kid can. Found a bit of hope in some of his friends and hobbies. His magic started manifesting strongly and weirdly, but his caretakers weren't aware of how bad it was.

As soon as he was old enough to be independent he eloped to the other side of the country with someone he cared about, and there was a lot of optimism. The relationship ended catastrophically, and so did that optimism. Ryn was back on his bullshit for a while but he got enough help to turn his rage to trying to do better, effectively just out of spite.

Recently, he's relocated again. Hopefully this time he'll stay out of trouble.


If his reputation doesn't already precede him, his presence will certainly get your attention. Ryn is a certified MAD LAD. He's loud and animated; he's friendly and shockingly charming, in a raffish kind of way. No dare is too risky, no price for attention is too high. He's magnetic, hypnotically confident, larger than life, and has apparently taken it upon himself to make everyone laugh. Whether or not you find his antics amusing, you'll have to admit this guy knows how to lift the energy of a room.

Ryn has grown into a rambunctious young man who lives every day like he's dying — because he is. His magic condition has gotten to the point where it's impossible to ignore; he'll be dead within the decade. Combined with his existing trauma, his ability to plan for any kind of future is effectively out the window. He's seeking thrills constantly, with no real aim.

Despite his thriving social life, at the end of the night, Ryn's lonely as hell. He's terrified of opening up in any genuine way, and as a result he's ended up emotionally isolated as shit and with few true friends. He's too proud to admit it gets to him.

He's not always fun to be around. He has a short fuse, and is easily provoked if you know what buttons to hit, or if he finds something about you morally repugnant. If things start looking like they might come to blows, he absolutely can, will, and must take you on — regardless of how much bigger and stronger than him you are. His mates have had to drag him out of sticky situations more than once. He's absolutely insufferable to anyone who makes even the slightest assault on his pride or his worldview. He takes childish glee in antagonising any kind of authority figure.

He clings desperately to his pride, and the ethics he's constructed to support it (which boil down to "fuck you! I'm not like my parents!"). It doesn't always work. He's still prone to self destruction, and making a mess. Unsurprisingly, his mental any physical health can be pretty rocky.

Still, things are generally looking up for him these days (at least, in the short term) — he's reached a time of unprecedented stability. Honestly, he doesn't quite know what to do with himself yet, now that he's physically safe and living in (frugal) comfort. He's obviously got a lot of issues left to sort through, but he's viciously determined to prove he can do better. He wants wants to be stronger and smarter and kinder than the circumstances he came from, wants to prove the past doesn't control him and that he can be a complete human being through the sheer power of will (otherwise, what's the POINT of any of this?)... Ambitious. Maybe I'll let him piece his life together so that can happen.

...or MAYBE I'll force him to get involved in ~interdimensional vampire crime~. We'll see :^)


  • Music — the louder the better
  • Food, especially if it's greasy or sugary as hell
  • Attention please god give him attention
  • Sex
  • Excitement
  • Physical tasks
  • Long walks
  • Himself :^)


  • Having nothing to do
  • Clutter
  • Feelings
  • Authority figures
  • "The pigs"
  • "The bourgeoisie"
  • His family
  • Himself :^(


Note: Ryn's magic SUCKS. It sucks to use, it sucks to have. It's untrained and unreliable, he can't control it much, and the drawbacks of using it vastly outweigh how cool all of it sounds on paper.

Vastly overpowered magic

The sheer amount of magic in Ryn's body is nigh-unprecedented in humans. It's the result of a malformation of his aura which forces it to strengthen way beyond what it was supposed to, and it's slowly killing him. Ryn can only consciously use a fraction of his actual power, and even that's very painful. The more he uses, the more it hurts him.

Magical Surge

Human mages have a handy inbuilt response where their magical abilities are heightened during moments of extreme stress. Except, for Ryn, this isn't handy at all — when powers as vast as his are released, it's uncontrollable and violent. As such, Ryn has to wear sealing devices on both wrists which constantly suppress his magic. They make it so that his magic can't manifest, but unfortunately they don't do anything to mitigate the breathtaking agony and other ill effects of a surge (weakness, nausea, migraine, vertigo, some other nasty stuff). Unsealed, his uncontrolled magic could level a building.

Striking Presence

Ryn's presence is amazingly conspicuous — in the same way a grizzly car accident is. His aura is so vast and so malformed that even people without much magical ability can perceive it on an unconscious level.


Ryn can appear to summon flames out of nothing, which can sit comfortably on his skin or clothes without burning him. Be careful though, they’ll hurt you just like real fire.

Thermal manipulation

Ryn can effectively make himself into a terribly inefficient space heater/cooler. And if he holds something in his hand, he can heat it up/cool it down.


Ryn can appear to produce immense electrical charges on or near him. He can make electricity arc between his fingers or arms, which is cool, and scary as anything. It’s as dangerous as it looks, too.

Electromagnetic Disruption

Ryn can also output a substantial amount of random electromagnetic interference. He’s only managed to do this accidentally so far. He’s capable of disrupting Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, radio, TV and other such signals; making lighting flicker, forcing computers to restart. That kinda thing. Kinda spooky.



Ryn is a phenomenal frontman, a great singer, and passable bass guitarist. Currently, he's a hired gun for a forgettable rock band who play local small-profile gigs every other week. He's not quitting his real job anytime soon.

"Practical Troubleshooting"

Ryn's very much a jack of all trades! ...and a master of none. He's willing to tackle just about any household problem, whether he actually has any idea what he's doing or not. While he does seem to have a remarkable knack for figuring out and repairing mechanical faults, the fact he genuinely has little idea what he's doing sometimes means his 'help' will be totally ineffective, or even make the situation worse than it was to start with. Still, it's cheaper than hiring a repair guy... right?

Trivia and Miscellany

  • He's Australian! just like most of my characters. He has the most obnoxious drawl out of all of them :')
  • He's a certified manlet, standing at only 5'4"
  • If there's patches and rips and spikes on something he's wearing, he put them them himself. He's surprisingly nifty at sewing, but not nifty enough at it to warrant putting it in the "skills" section lmao
  • Smokes. Tries, and often fails, to avoid doing this too much. Same goes for drinking.
  • Covered in scars, and has a hilarious story behind each of them. Half of these stories are lies.
  • Keeps his living spaces obsessively tidy and depressingly spartan.
  • Struggles w/ hypersexuality as a result of trauma. It is not good. It is not fun.
  • Can't swim for shit. His nickname, Thorpie, is a stroke of cruel irony
  • is secure enough in his masculinity to drive a Fiat Seicento

ryn every day:



profile art by hedgemaze and Boyfriend code made with help from lowkeywicked