


6 years, 7 months ago




▪ Full name: Solan Arevas, although he usually goes by stage name Naoise or "Nano"

▪ Age: 54. He's in his early thirties by human standards, but physically appears far younger due to upkeep.

▪ Gender: Male

▪ Social status: Normie

▪ Occupation: Professional escort (or "Call-boy")


◦ (3-word traits) Positive: Amiable, persevering, responsible | Neutral: Pragmatic, unfazed, adaptable | Negative: Indulgent, self-preserving, deceiving

◦ Solan is social, like all BTs, and he's also adventurous and stimulation-seeking, seizing opportunities to go to different places and meet new people. He'll look into anything if it sounds promising, which is also how he got into the escort business.

◦ Years of escort work has made Solan an expert in flattering and pandering. It helps that he's naturally a diplomatic person, patient even with the worst-tempered and wanting to hear what everyone has to say. His ability to slip into a different mindset for different people (whether that’s an attentive lover, a flirtatious follower, or a mysterious admirer) lets him charm almost everyone for the day or two that he spends with them. Despite this Solan is rather emotionally independent compared to most BTs, preferring the thrill of networking and charming (and being charmed by) different people every night to attaching himself to any one clique.

◦ When you deal with a bunch of Pomps for a living, many of whom also have inferiority complexes, you learn to roll with the punches. Solan is overall a pretty calm person who rarely takes anything personally. Things that might set off a less stable person are just minor inconveniences to him.

◦ Pomps are an extremely competitive and image-oriented bunch, and many are secretly afraid that they’ll be ousted from their clique if they show any weakness to fellow Pomps. This is where Solan comes in. His nonjudgemental attitude and knowledge of Pomp social mores lets him lend a sympathetic ear, and even offer useful advice if it's wanted. It helps that his attitude towards clients is that “The customer is always right”.

◦ He's very self-confident, valuing confidence and high self-esteem in both himself and others. One of his few ideals is that everyone should work for and respect themselves, no matter what situation they’re in. Other than that he considers himself quite practical, not really prone to sentimentality or fantasizing about what could have been. Solan's a forward-looking person with no regrets (…or so he wishes)

Timeline (WIP, will be adjusted according to canon BT timeline)

• 2000: Solan is born from a Normie father and a elite Pomp mother. Like most BTs, he is raised solely by his father, a surgeon with a thriving business in the heart of the Capital; his mother immediately returns to her socialite life in her clique.

• 2007: Solan meets his mother for the first time. He sees her sporadically over the next few years, and admires her greatly. He doesn't understand why his father speaks to her so tensely, nor why he seems to resent her presence - after all, Solan loves both of them, and wants desperately for them to get along. They never do.

• 2012: Solan's mother dies from an unexpected illness. Solan is old enough to understand why his father is so tight-lipped at the funeral (standing as her fifth lover amongst seven men) but he's still devastated by her death, although he tries his best to hide this from his father. Later, Solan vows to himself that if he marries someone, he'll never let any of his children feel like he does.

• 2019 - 2020: Solan has a rebellious phase, and joins a discontented group of Capital kids (some of whom will eventually become the forerunners of the Rebel movement) in roaming the streets and smearing anti-Pomp graffiti on the walls. He shaves and dyes his hair black and his tail rainbow colors, gets a lot of piercings, and generally looks like a hot mess. His father disapproves, and Solan eventually drops out of the clique. He gets into a prestigious Capital school, and decides to focus on his schoolwork thereafter.

• 2026: Solan's father is killed in a car accident while Solan is away at school. Solan is devastated, and puts his studies (doing the BT equivalent of a Masters) on hold while he tries to move on. He goes to a lot of parties to try and drink his problems away. At one of them he meets a friend-of-a-friend who mentions that she's the manager of an escort agency, although he doesn't think much of it at the time.

• 2030: Solan graduates college with a Masters in English Literature (or whatever the equivalent is in the BT-verse) and starts a series of part-time jobs, including working at the escort agency, while he applies at different companies. This is the lowest period in Solan's life: he's basically an emotional wreck, inconsolable even to his closest friends. Eventually, unable to stand their glances any longer, he sells his father's house and moves to a town at the outskirts of the Capital. Ironically, he becomes more popular as an escort during this time because he throws everything into his work when he's upset, even gaining a few clients who request him specifically.

• 2032: Solan leaves the escort agency and begins the process of vetting his own clients, taking his mother's full name as his stage name as a private joke to himself. His work is uneventful for a year or two, and he has a few romantic dalliances during this time: however, his career eventually takes off and Solan begins working towards putting himself out there and building a permanent client base. He does quite well, although Solan is fully aware that some of them are only attracted to his youth. Nonetheless, he develops quite a few Capital contacts this way.

• 2034 - present day (205X): After 16 years of independent work, Solan is now physically and mentally in his prime as a escort, having cultivated his image as a well-dressed gentleman. Advertising himself through word-of-mouth paid off: several of the Pomps that hired him recommended him to their cliques, and now he works almost exclusively with Pomps, their friends, and those who both wish they were Pomps and have the money to pay for the Pomp lifestyle. He's extremely popular amongst middle-aged Pomps, and he's amassed enough gossip and witnessed enough inter-Clique rivalries to write a documentary or start a blackmailing ring (although of course he never would - after all, Solan wouldn't have lasted as long as he has if he didn't appreciate the importance of privacy). Nowadays he's starting to relax a little, visiting the clubs he frequented as a teenager and meeting up with his old friends. To his dismay, the Rebel discontent in the cities seem to be getting louder...

Political Views

▪ Solan's seen it all when it comes to Pomps, so he has a rather nuanced view of them compared to most of the BT populace (who are usually either indifferent, admiring, or hold some variation of abject dislike for Pomps). As a teenager he used to be one of the BTs who were jealous of the fact that they could never fit into the Pomp cliques, but he's long over that now. He believes that the Pomps' valued place in society is necessary, because despite their stuck-up attitudes they still give the average BT a standard to live up to. Personally, Solan has seen far too many stressed and resentful Pomps to really admire them, even though he knows all the effort they put into their public images. Basically he thinks it's a complicated issue, and that no one is really right or wrong.

▪ Solan isn't very fond of most Rebels, considering them troublemakers. The relatively quiet and abandoned nature of his hometown means that it's a popular spot for high-ranking Rebels to discreetly meet up and discuss their views, and his traveling lifestyle means that he sees Rebel rallies and confrontations quite often. That said, he's more worried than judgmental: after all, most Rebels are just kids (or close enough), and he suspects that the rising tension in the city will end up hurting everyone, especially since more Normies are actively taking one side over the other.


◦ Solan is friends with many of his clients, probably because he actively tries to get to know them. He has a reputation for being able to accommodate almost everyone. Only his oldest, however, know his real name: to everyone else he's known as Naoise or "Nano".

◦ Solan has braided so many tails. So many. He prides himself on keeping track of all the latest crazy Pomp styles, practicing them on his own tail before he goes out every day. A surprising amount of Pomps and wannabe Normies can’t find anyone to braid their tails, so for those who can afford him Solan drops by every few weeks for a luxurious night out, which entails gossip, tail-braiding, and a “massaging session”.

◦ Solan is rather pleased with the place he's carved out for himself. He lives rather luxuriously because he can afford to - his father’s inheritance was more than enough to buy his current house, and though large for one person and lavishly furnished it’s rather cozy by Pomp standards. He spends some of the steady income from his clients to buy outfits and accessories for his work, but after 20+ years of steady work he has a sizable nest egg. With his current income he'll have enough to retire early in a few years. Solan likes his work, though, and plans to keep going as long as his clients want him to. He has vague plans of selling his house and traveling the world after he retires, but nothing certain yet.

◦ His current work obviously doesn't allow for a parenting lifestyle, but if he ever strikes up a romantic relationship with a woman he might consider it. Some day he'd like to wholeheartedly devote himself to someone romantically, but realistically he knows that's probably impossible given his own history. He doesn't bother brooding over it - what's done is done, after all.

◦ Solan used to tutor other people's children when he was fresh out of college. He's quite good with children and teens, but babies kind of scare him. They're so tiny, what if he drops them??? D:

◦ Solan learned how to cook after getting into the habit of making his clients breakfast the morning after (Hey, it's good for business!) He can make pretty much any breakfast food imaginable, but specializes in simple, no-bake cookies which make delicious gifts and treats.

◦ He's an early bird, which caused his roommates no end of grief in college. Conversely, he gets tired early, and he's rather grumpy without coffee in the evenings.

◦ Solan owns several expensive-looking suits (and dresses) necessary for those clients that want to be wined and dined. What they don't know is that most of them were secondhand or off-the-rack, and then personally tailored by a friend he knows in the city. No one can tell because they fit Solan perfectly.

◦ He has three locked and private drawers full of gifts from his past and present admirers. Some of them are from friends of his clients who don't know that Solan is an hired escort, and Solan treasures those the most. He used to wear all of them when he was starting out, but now he keeps it to just a few necessities because people would stare at him and sometimes harass him in public. For his long-time clients, Solan will sometimes go out naked except for their gifts.

◦ He can blush on command. Don't ask him how.