


6 years, 7 months ago


Lotus - Female - Small short hair cat - chaotic good

Current resident of the what was once Aaron's Kingdom.

The kingdom was in turmoil even before Aaron ran off after selling the land to a shifty pirate.

Lotus was disgusted by how little the rulers actually cared about the citizens and how they constantly made choices to better themselves rather then the civilians. Her father was part of a small rebellion and died when she was very young, but Lotus revered him as a hero. She wanted to make her own stand against the rulers and quickly gathered a following. The majority of the population is skeptical of her movement and can't quite decide if she is someone to be greatly feared or deemed a hero. 

-Constant mood swings from horrified, outraged, sad to murderous.

-Often isolates herself when feeling like that.


-Is surprisingly sweet and reasonable despite this?

-Super superstitious

-Don't mention, or even joke about spirits around her. Ever.

-Dignified nonetheless.  

-Very pridefull

-It could be argued that she thinks the world revolves around her and her viewpoints.