Jace Pyres



7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Jace Pyres Full name:Jayson

Apparent Age






Relationship Status

single ((not looking))


"What is it? It better be important, I'm working." 

Jace is apathetic toward most of life’s problems and prefers to look after himself rather than worrying about other people. He has a hard time communicating and uses blunt and abrasive comments to get his point across. He can come off as mean spirited even when his intentions are good. He has no patience for those he considers to be ignorant and  illogical, particularly those who think with their brawn. Oft times, he can be found in his self made workspace wherever he is staying, tinkering on some invention or upgrade between his hacking jobs. It’s the place where he feels most content.






He was born and raised in the cold, sterile environment of the !ntec testing and research labs. His world inside was very small, and consisted of the researchers on his case and the lab where he worked developing technology for the company. After a few more experiments that were run to change his genetic makeup he caught a magical disease that prevents him from breathing properly without filter. He had no name and not much of a personality. He was referred to as Subject 1387B0. 

There were few people who could be considered kind, but eventually one of them helped him into the outside world. Eleven years old and a prodigy in the fields of science development and technology, he finally gave himself a name, Jayson Pyres. He was left alone with a group of kids and teenagers and he began to learn about the world. He taught himself the things he needed to know, about history and language and any knowledge not corrupted by propaganda. It was during this time that he developed his first mask, made from scraps and parts he could find. The group splintered off some finding their place in life, some joining the dregs of society.

Jace found himself on the run once more, he used his online hacking persona to make cash here and there. He drifted from place to place, discovering the secret underground places that one could hide in large cities. Relocating every time !ntec enforcers grew too close to finding his position. 

Eventually he choose to enroll himself in a school, to try and have some semblance of a normal life. He met the first two people that he considered calling friends. And found there was more to life than words and code; and why he felt so different from the others he had lived with who returned to society. He had a few years that were quiet and full of the sort of drama that one would expect. 

Then, one day, Jace found a project that he worked on obsessively as if he were possessed, he finally completed it at 14. Half dead after months of working and days without sleep or sustenance he could grasp what he had been striving toward; a living breathing AI with a soul. He named them Cyb.

A fire was lit inside of him and he started acting against the powerhouse that controlled his life and the world he lived in. He was supported by the two who had seen past the propaganda they had been fed, and they worked closely together. Jace in his efforts came too close to finding the truth and was found; he managed to escape with his person and freedom intact. One of those he was close too didn’t share the same lucky fate. He closed his heart off again.

He was pursued for months when he was hit with an insane idea to get away. So, he hid in the one place he hadn’t dared before. In the aristocracy, Jace transferred himself under a new name to a school for the most gifted youth of the county, or at least the ones who had the richest parents. Somerset Academy on the floating of Rath. Where hopefully he could find some peace for another year. 



+ Cyb
+ robotics
+ physics
+ math
+ logic puzzles
+ quiet people
+ building technology
+ new inventions
+ chocolate milk
+ stars


- Loud things and people
- stupid situations
- enforcers
- physical activity
- eating
- nature
- the smell of bleach
- deep water
- constricting clothes
- wide spaces
- the color white
- aristocrats
- !ntec
- hospitals
- needles
- others stealing his inventions
- bright lights
- being outside the city
- things out of his control




Abilties & Flaws

(+) Jace has held tech in his hands from the time he hand basic motor functions and the experience has not been in vain, he is one of the best inventors and hackers on the netscape, and certainly of his generation. The name circulating for him is 'Unknown.'

(+) He has an incredibly high pain tolerance, able to walk away from a beating that would leave others laying in the dirt, his nerve endings are mostly dead.

(+) He has the unique ability to make AI's, living programs with thier own intelligence, free will, and souls. It takes a great deal of time, sometimes months of restless work and at the end of it his stregth is sapped, he may sleep for days or become comatose for a short while. This information is not public but it is suspected that he can create them by the scientists who made him. 

(+) Skilled in the art of dissapearing, Jace has learned how to keep his head down and if need be take to the underground completly to avoid the autorities and others who may be looking for him.

(-) He currently has the biggest bounty in Losca, some wanting him alive for his intellect and speculated abilities, and some wanting him dead before !ntec can use him.

(-) Jace has a magical disease which has corrupted his lungs and throat remdering normal air very difficult to breathe. He built and designed his own mask to filter in a chemical cocktail that allows him to breathe normally. When it is removed or knocked off without proper preperation he struggles to take in ai, much like a severe asthma attack. no known forms of healing have been able to sure it, not even a full replacement of the organs.

(-) He has several failing muscle groups and nerves including his spine, these have been upgraded and made fuctional with some cybernetic enhancemnts, these are remnents from his time in !ntec, his body has since outgrown them and it makes his body stiff and uncomfortable at times ((like growing pains))

(-) These are controlled by an !ntec brand chip at the base of his skull, the area around the chip is very sensitive and painful ((no touch zone)). A close range signal could temporarily shut it down rendering Jace immobile. 

(-) Jace has a severe case of insomnia, and he prefers to work for days at a time until exhaustion finally allows him to fall asleep


Design Notes


- his skin is a grey blue color
- his mask can be redesigned how you see fit ((he goes through so many anyway) but he needs to have the blue filter
- the glowy stuff is a liquid that he mixes into the air and breathes
- you can beat him up if you want hes usually sporting bruises and cuts
- super bright colors are a no-no
- he wears his hair long enough to cover the back of his neck
-dark circles yes
- he wears a pair of white or grey gloves