


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Talia (Later on Agana)


"What do I protect? What do I believe? How should I live?"
              - Atedarian Saga

General Characteristics

Personal Characteristics

Primary Objective: To change the world
Secondary Objectives: To protect Sapphira

Secrets: (What does your character know that must not be told to anyone?)
Quirks: (What about your character makes them different from everyone else?)




Power Characteristics

Ability: Blood Summoning / Revenant Summoning
------ Shan's originally was only able to summon revenant with water. However after tainting the lifestream and creating oni, he is able to taint water and summon oni.

Element: Water
Strengths: Taint
Weaknesses: Purity
Restrictions: may be costly (injury such as blindness if overuse)


Likes and Dislikes

Likes: (What kinds of things does your character like? Dogs? Pizza? Alfred Hitchcock?)
Dislikes: (What kinds of things does your character no like? People? Burgers? Angry Birds?)



Story Information



Tropes and Clichés: 




 Water's Reverie Timeline

He is a Talia noble/high advisor to the Emperor. Childhood friends with Sapphira and as he has a crush on her since young age.

In search to alleive Sapphie's eye blindness, he tainted the lifestream with his blood to create the first oni becoming the father of Blood Contracts. From this contract, his blue eyes gradually become deep red signifying his ability to taint water and summon oni. 

However Sapphie's role is to protect the lifestream and thus she rejects Shan and died to protect him and the lifestream.

After the loss of his love, he begins to enact revenge against the entire Talia kingdom, by creating his own kingdom Agana using his newfound blood abilities to fight against Talia and never forgive them.  This meant he became a king. However a lonely one despite having many wives and children as despite killing many he is unable to bring back the love of his life.


Rebirth Timeline

Emperor Shan is brought back to life through a blood ceremony and sacrifices of enemies in hopes of his presence will call upon the most powerful oni which was said locked away with him. However Shan awakens with no memories, and he is the only one who knows of the way to call upon his oni. And thus is fed with information of his revival yet also with partial truths as there is not much record of Shan's past beside of him being powerful and wanted by many women. Shan becomes cocky as a result.

However his revival has strenuous costs on his body as he began craving blood and lusting for it like an vampire oni. (Note: Oni's crave blood and it is required to sacrifice blood to summon an oni)