Jay Bloom ♂



7 years, 9 months ago


Jay Aiden Bloom
Jaybird, Blue, Blue Jay,
Deity Mix//Korean
Feb 28, Pisces, INFP


Quirky • Unpredictable • Emotional • Child-like



  • Sourness; lemons
  • Gymnastics/yoga/parkour
  • Painting and reading
  • Space
  • Comic books, heroes and villains
  • Showing off


  • PDA
  • Chilly weather
  • Idleness
  • Being embarrassed/ignored/alone
  • Walking
  • Sweetness and bitterness
"write a quote here...."


Super Speed
Can run at light speed, leaving a light blue trail behind him; only visible at night. This ability turns his natural brown hair and eyes, blue. The blue stays with him until he hasn't run for an hour, at which point it fades back to brown.

Light Manipulation
Hidden due to the suppressor in his cheek. Light energy comes from within. Has a blue light aura and can solidify light into objects. Can run at the speed of light, phase through whatever light can, and can perform light attacks and self healing. Later he attacks with a bat made of light.

Growing up as a lab experiment in a dome wasn't exactly a walk in the park. Actually, there were no parks. There was no playing or socializing. Rules were on a list that never ended and disobeying them meant cruel punishment. Physical abuse wasn't something Jay understood. And it wasn't something he enjoyed. But he could tolerate it. It was the words that tore through his chest, suffocating him and hacking away at his heart. A lot was expected of him. Constantly being poked and tampered with, forced to push himself past his limits on a daily basis. Intense obstacle courses to train his body to be not only fast but agile. He was taught in gymnastics as well as acrobatics. He worked until he bled and then some. He slept when he passed out

Not having much comfort in the lab left him feeling empty and worthless. But another experiment used his ability to communicate with Jay. This boy could cast illusions and enter minds. While they slept they spent time together, though physically apart. When outside of the fake world, the other boy would always talk to him through his mind (or moreso listened to Jay talk) and it helped him get through a lot. That lasted until the day it was Jay's turn to suddenly disappeared from his cell, like so many before him. He found out all too soon that the fate of the disappearing experiments was far worse than death. He was sent out. Out of the massive dome that had been his torture chamber and into the world. A wasteland of a world. A world filled with monsters and demons and all of what would soon be his worst nightmares.

Behind the Scar

The scar? It's an implant he received when his abilities first developed. It's a chunk of metal grafted to his cheek bone. Used as an ability controlling device by the people in white. The skin was opened over and over again because the device would act up/malfunction and required constant tinkering. When activated it used to make his body convulse, like a seizure(though it's not actually one). They worked out most of the kinks and he ended up only occasionally experiencing these seizure like episodes. It was being newly tested on him and everyone in his age group, he was one of the few to survive the testing. Even though they decided to stop doing that technique they never cared to remove it from him or the others who had one-mostly because it would do more harm than good. Now he gets regular attacks that are similar to the Atonic( drop) seizure, where he just drops. There's no convulsing there, he just loses consciousness. His nose will usually start bleeding before it happens.

Too much super speed seems to trigger the seizures. He doesn't know the full extent of what it does to him, but he knows it does something wrong to him. It renders most of his light ability useless. With it gone he could absorb light for energy (being in the dark for too long renders him weak), bend/shift light (for light attacks, minor illusions and the ability to be invisible for a short time), and rapid(though not instant) self healing via light energy. The light energy is blue in colour, same as the force field he gets from running. The only thing the chip doesn’t constantly block is his light speed. It is capable of blocking that as well, given the right settings.

Into the Wastes

When he was pushed out of his dome, the first thing he saw was water. The entire structure was surrounded by it. It was like an island with only a small platform by the door. The next thing he saw was the sky and sun; though his first view of it was short lived as the orange ball sunk below the water, along with the bright sky. Darkness spread and with it came despair.

A few others had been thrown out with hi, only to be killed by a giant, ghostly sky creature. There were shrieks too as people ran from the dome, diving into the water in panic. The dome was killing people too. Or at least, anyone who touched it.

Forcing himself to move his feet he sped off across the water and kept running until he fainted. Jay awoke in the morning to the sight of Shawn; who would soon be his best friend and guide to surviving in the world. At first he had no clue what the blond boy was saying. Gibberish. But he went along with it, because it felt way too good to see a friendly person. Eventually he learned Shawn’s language, English, through his help as well as many books.

Jay did a lot of world travelling to help different people out where he could. Along the way he picked up several other languages, sinking into other books to help him along. And although he travelled plenty, his home was always with Shawn and the crew. They all resided within a massive museum that was set up like a small community. No more than 200 lived there. The leader of the community was Isla (Shawn’s S.O). Within the community many different animals claimed shelter from the night creatures as well. Not long after Jay arrived at the museum a large, mutated feline became attached to him. At first Jay was annoyed by her, but eventually grew to love her and ended up calling the pretty serval kitty, Babbie.

Many of Jay’s fears and anxieties were from living in the wastes. There were so many different monsters that all haunted or destroyed in various ways. It drove him to paranoia, always fearing the worst of everything. Night terrors were quick to take over during the night. Even during the day, when it was mostly safe, he was fearful. He was thankful that he at least had Babbie, who comforted him by cuddling next to him during the night.

Five years spent surviving (he was released from the dome at 18) brings him up to where the story begins. Here he found himself staring at a dome that was rumoured to have never been opened before (meaning, nobody had ever been kicked out like he had). And yet, there it was, tossing out over a dozen of their experiments.


• Generally wears tattered clothes.

• Blue hair= he recently ran. Brown hair= hasn't used his ability for awhile.

• Babbie(Serval) has two tails and heterochromia(blue and brown).

• Style board here.

• Lean, runner's body.


• Stamina is low; extensive running = seizures and passing out.

• Loves painting and has a massive, secret collection of art he's done.

• Originally only spoke Korean but becomes fluent in 6 other languages.

• The tattoos on his ribs he did himself. The one on his back as well as the piercings were all done by Isla.

• Uses a lot of hand gestures and body language. Half of it is just because he’s fidgety af.

• Says ‘ah’ instead of ‘uh’.

• Looks up when he’s nervous or unsure.

• Has PTSD.

• Pokes his tongue out of the side of his mouth when he’s being silly.




This guy saved his life and taught him how to survive. He looks up to him, admires him and tries to do good for others because of Shawn. A quirk he picked up from Shawn: sticking out his tongue. Shawn usually does it when he’s deep in thought, tinkering with machines or if he’s being cheeky. Jay just does it when he’s being cheeky/silly.



A woman who has the kindest heart but also doesn't take shit from anyone. He admires her a great deal and shares a lot of his secrets with her.



A beautiful sparkly star boy who wouldn’t leave him alone and constantly makes Jay’s poor heart do the thump-thump. He falls for him pretty hard and loves how positive and uplifting Zirk is with him. He couldn’t ask for anyone better but still, he pushes him away even if he wants him to stay. Because, how could he possibly deserve someone like that?



The sweet, mutated serval he bonds with.

HTML by lowkeywicked