0. Ragya



7 years, 8 months ago


Ragya Airon

Rayata, Baneflower
“There is a firefly loose tonight, better catch it before it burns this place down"


 Name  ragya 
 Species  daiesthai 
 Gender  female 
 Pronouns  she/her 


 STATUs  forever homed
 Rank  primary
 VALUE  989 usd
 Org.Design  aldarrok


Challenging, daring, decisive, dedicated, loyal, idealistic, resourceful, personable, protective, self-critical, aggressive, familial, obedient, outspoken, predictable, assertive, charmless, coarse, depended, fearful, hostile, power-hungry, short-sighted, short-tempered, tactless, unstable, weak, impulsive, revengeful, loud mouthed, challenging, egocentric, animalistic.

  • Her feral form is a domestic hellhound with the body of an utonagan dog and the exposed skull of a wolf. Besides the skull her ribs are also exposed, which are filled with a red flame or glow. She has 5 extended, curved spines on her neck, with on her backside 3 small stumps. Her fur is similar of a husky and can be any pattern, variation and shade of brown, grey and black.

  • In her human form she has a pale complexion with either red or albino eyes and bright red hair. Her build is small, fragile and underweight thin. She has a deep marked-scar on her upper left shoulder, which is surrounded by burn marks which cover her arm, chest, shoulder and neck. Above her collarbone is the scar of a shotwound. She has wings similar to a blackbird, colored a mix of brown, grey and black. Her clothing style is inspired by rock, punk and bikers. Often with dog references or puns on her shirt. When time accurate she is dressed like a viking/shield maiden.


  • The image is mirrored, so her scars should be on her left side
  • Please look here for more visual reference of her feral form: https://toyhou.se/522617.0-ragya/gallery#12421417
  • She is open for gore and can be drawn with elements of fire, smoke and ash
  • Feel free to draw her with her son Surtr