Shiva Spriggans



7 years, 4 months ago


     Shiva Spriggans  ||  ♀  ||  Forest Deity   ||  1227 Y/O

"Watching over you, guiding you - that is my destiny, my eternal purpose - since the beginning of time."

Work Ethic 

Story. ✰ Shiva's birth circumstances are unknown to herself. However, when she was young, she lived the life of a human villager. The other humans treated her as one of her own, and she eventually fell in love with a human man. She married him, and still wears her engagement ring in this age and year. Ultimately, he passed away, along with everyone else in the village which she once called home. Only Shiva stayed behind, her age and appearance unchanging. Realizing that she is non-human after all and unable to live in unity with them, she left the village to live on her own. The sacred forest, fields and hills became her new home, this time for eternity. Its dwelling animals and nature spirits quickly welcomed the graceful deity into her halidom - as if bowing down to their rightful ruler. Shiva began to grow aware of her purpose and responsibility in this immortal life that was gifted to her - and she vowed to fullfill her duties. However, she still yearned to be near to humans and suffered through loneliness, grief and sorrow. Even if not near by distance, she held the humans dear in her heart and prayed for good harvest every year. When humans lost themselves in her forest lair, she affectionately played pranks on them, guarding them home safely afterwards, without ever revealing herself properly. Thus, the humans believed in a deity living in the forest, to which they send their prayers and offerings. With time passing, hundred years after another, she continued watching over the humans and her halidom all by herself, and her selfless love never ceased to be. But deep, deep in her heart, lies her unspoken wish to live among the humans once again. Aside of her duties, she started to sing, dance and play the flute, developing a passion for culture and art. Other than that, she idles in the forest, silently humming to songs, waiting for time to pass by.

Facts. ✰ All jewelry she is wearing were offerings from humans - each gift has its own story. She also has her own berry plantation which she carefully built up - a human lost in the forest once ate a fruit and described it as one of godly taste. Every January 14th, the humans hold a festival in Shiva's honor, which she annually attends while in disguise. Near the entrance to the forest, the humans built up a temple where they place their offerings - she receives all kinds of things, varying from food to valuable gems. She treats all humans like her own children. They refer to Shiva as "Forest Deity", "Harvest Goddess", "Earth Guardian" or "Earth Mother". In the forest, she does not have a specific place to stay overnight - she often sleeps with the bears in their cave or slinks in other animals' nests. Shiva is highly respected by her animal folk - they are honored to have her as their guest. Hidden behind her responsibilites and gratitude as an immortal, she actually suffers from crippling depression, as her eternal solitude restricts her greatly ...

 ||  Theme Song (1)  ||  Theme Song (2)  ||  Theme Song (3)  ||  Theme Song (4)  ||  Theme Song (5)  ||  Theme Song (6)  ||  Theme Song (7)  ||

  • ✔ music, singing, dancing
  • ✔ culture, art, festivals
  • ✔ collecting flowers, fruit
  • ✔ nature, moonlight
  • ✔ spring, lakes, rain
  • ✔ humans, animals
  • ✔ playing on flute
  • ✔ fish, rice, fruit (berries)
  • ✘ dirty environment
  • ✘ conflicts, hatred
  • ✘ storms, thunder
  • ✘ war, suffering
  • ✘ disrespect, insolence
  • ✘ unfairness, cruelty
  • ✘ sickness, death
  • ✘ being forgotten

Personality. Shiva is kind, gentle, generous, graceful and tranquil. She owns the charm and compassion of a goddess. Because of her eternal solitude however, she tends to feel lonely, serene and melancholic. She does not resent her destiny as deity - she is thankful and cherishes the humans dearly. She offers the upmost selflessness and devotion, and the humans return her love. In addition, she solemnly takes care of her halidom and loyal animal folk. Shiva fullfills her duties faithfully - relentlessly - and vowed to do so until the end of time.

Abilities. She enhances the human's harvests and performs purging with her songs. If the humans pray, her power will grow stronger in return. In addition, her sacral blessings have great healing properties. She can also communicate with nature and animals as she leads them. Shiva considers them her only close friends, but as their respected deity, it is required to keep a formal distance. The animal folk loyally follows Shiva's guidance at all times.


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