


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

★ To artists ★

He has a slender body frame. In feline form, his cat ears start from where his human ears are. The ears are long, thin, and tall. He has three star shapes on his face and neck.


☆ Julius ☆
Name: Julius Maximus Fortescue
Alias: Jule or Max
Cat Spirit
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Single like you

Occupation: Manager of book store

about him


♦ Having his ears scratched
♦ Being called out or told off 



Physical Strength ★☆☆☆☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆☆
Offence ★★★★☆☆
Defence ★★★☆☆☆
Stamina ★☆☆☆☆
Intelligence ★★★☆☆☆

 Layout by @Coloris
Inspired layours from Wicked and Jayden

  N o t e s t o A r t i s t s
♦ He has a slender body frame.
♦ In feline form, his cat ears start from where his human ears are. The ears are long, thin, and tall.

♦ He has three star shapes on his face and neck.

  B a c k s t o r y
Back in eighth grade, Jule lost his childhood friend, who never returned from a mountain hike with his family. No one knew where they had gone, or if they would ever be found again. He waited for their miraculous return during all of high school, to no avail. Never wanting to experience the loss of such important people again, he shut himself off emotionally and personally from then on. He held high standards for the people around him in order to ensure they would leave him secluded within his walls, where he would be able to safely conceal his vulnerabilities, happiness, emotions, and identity. Everything that he did was to ensure his own protection; if he became self centered and focused on only his career or pleasures, he no longer had to care about anyone else and that was all that mattered to him. 

  P e r s o n a l i t y

Jule is easily bored, his interest holding for only a few minutes in most cases. However business minded and levelheaded he is, he often will only play along for as long as he feels serious about the matter or interest at hand. He only socializes with those who interest him or he can gain something from. He enjoys experiencing novelties everyday. However, when he knows he is showing any form of enjoyment, he can't help feeling embarrassed to the point that he normally tries to hide his interests and emotions; others would find his behavior readable or suspicious.

If not for his assistant being with him, he would drop everything he is doing the instant his motivation disappears. This has since changed years ago, now that he knows he should not act spoiled; he now easily puts effort in his concentration. However, he is still stubborn and likes to stick to his own rules. For all his faults, he is business smart, well educated, and socially capable. Because of it, he is excellent at building relations with new acquaintances, but chooses to not make friends unless someone interests him enough.


  I n t e r e s t s  D r e a m s 

  D e s c r i p t i o n

Height: 5'10"

  O t h e r s
♦ His employees, who hate him, give him names behind his back.

♦ Rayhart University for Business alumni | Business BA and  AA in

♦ Manager of six years at The ★ Book Club

♦ The ★ Book Club is a middle-ranking book store (recommended to be manager by its owner, an old friend). It is an average-sized book store on the third floor of a public shopping mall, and it gets a quota of probably $350 a month. It's not much and Jule is too unmotivated and unambitious to do anything to further the progress of this book store. At most he can manage it with only two other employees, and commit to excellent customer service, but he's extremely picky about the people who work for him and what they do, so he fires them almost every other week. Customers love his service while staff hate working there.

  S t r e n g t h s W e a k n e s s e s
♦ ♦ Unable to listen to people for more than a couple of minutes if boredom strikes

  R e l a t i o n s h i p s
♦ Lover |
♦ Family | Tracy (step mother)
♦ Friends | 

  T h e m e S o n g
♦ The Road is Long - Tom Rosenthal