


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||


Age ||


Birth Date ||

April 1st, 1474

Zodiac ||


Gender ||

Cis Female

Pronouns ||


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Species ||


Ethnicity ||

Japanese while in "true" human form, White American while in preferred human form.

Blood Type ||

Myers-Briggs ||

Song ||



Rachel is bitter, sarcastic, and all around unpleasant. She has little to no trust of those around her, and only really sticks around because Kitsune are social creatures.



Rachel was born in the early Sengoku Period to two Kitsune spirits in southern Japan (modern-day Miyazaki Prefecture). Her life as a kit was relatively easy, but she learned how to shapeshift at an older age than most foxes in the area. As she got older, and her parents taught her more about blending in with human beings, the more she became fascinated with them. She would regularly disguise herself as a human and attend gatherings such as festivals and parties.

In 1507, her view on humans changed for the worse. Her parents were killed by two separate hunters within the span of three months. What few siblings she had decided to scatter, and Rachel was left to fend for herself. She soon decided to start living full-time as a human, but after two or three years, she realized that humans weren't as wonderful as she thought. They fought with each other, killed each other over minor inconveniences, and ruined each other's lives like it was no big deal.

Despite her newfound disgust with humans, Rachel continued to live as one. She lived many different lives throughout her time as a human, which included (but were not limited to) a thief, the wife of a Daimyo, a street merchant, a low-level con artist, and even a Geisha. She didn't like many of these lives, but she felt that she had to assimilate into human culture to survive after her parents' murders.

Rachel finally found out about a world outside of Japan in the early 1900s when she met a British merchant in a port city. As the years passed, Rachel learned more and more of the rest of the world, and as she learned about it, the more she became dissatisfied with her home country.

As the 1900s progressed, and as Japan became a worse and worse place to live, Rachel made plans to leave the country. Unfortunately, she didn't get an opportunity to leave until 1945, so she had to sit back and watch as the place she had lived for hundreds of years became one of the most hated nations in the world, and she almost agreed with the hatred.

After she left, Rachel settled down in America in the mid 1950s. She lived as the "adoptive child" of a closeted lesbian couple until the mid 1990s, when she decided to go to college. There, dormed with an odd girl named Yoko, who turned out to be a Goddess disguised as a human college student. Yoko had a weird, borderline creepy, fascination with Japan that irked Rachel, as she had fled the country out of displeasure with Japanese society. Rachel decided to stick around with Yoko in an attempt to get her to "chill the fuck out".

In 2010, Rachel and Yoko moved into an apartment with a fully human roommate named Seul-ki Park, a Koren-American hairdresser from Portland.