
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info










Bio is a w.i.p.

Riff is a wanted part cyborg Draco,a species of bipedal,wingless dragon-like creature.

He grew up in the mountains with his family,until his mother mysteriously disappeared.Due to depression and work his father sold their home and moved down to the coast to a predominantly human neighborhood. He had very few friends and when he did get friends they either moved to the capital or another district.He had one person who picked often on him but Daviath knew fighting back would cause suspension.His father and him rarely speak except when Daviath needed to mention money or a progress report.Tired of depending on his dad for money he got a job at the pier.His high school graduation was a lonely one as his father was too busy to see him walk.Riff ends up going to a club that night and during a fire dies due to a beam falling on him.

Daviath wakes up in an hospital gown looking out over the capaital of Aquarius Island City, he freaks out at his appearance hiding in a corner.He meets a woman by the name of "M" who seems too excited to get to know him.She gives him food and leaves for the time,during this he gazes out the windowof a skyscraper.But how?How did he get here?Why?He freaked out,but why?Eventually over the time he is at this building "M" makes appearances and talks and...stares at him.It's on one day he takes advantage when she opens the door and takes hostage.Guards in the building instantly are told to shoot both and he throws a guard at the window just enough to crack it.He kicks the wndow with his foot and takes "M" out the window.

He resides in the slums of the city with "M" hostage demanding answers on his life and identity.

-Prior to the incident Riff used to love surfing and swimming.
-His ears are like speakers and use frequency to disable electronics and is a disruption during fights
-His feet are equipped with metal under the synthetic material used for high landing
-His tail and arm cybernetic as are his eyes
-His tail has multi outlet uses(usb,plug and screwdriver)
-He gets strange glimpses of a woman in his dreams

-His aesthetic is both 80s and 90s influenced
-Riff's music is more varied than E.D.C. Ska,House , electronica(trance/techno) and synthwave music are used for his theme and background