Jinsei's Bulletins


Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by Jinsei

This is totally not a month late halloween design oops 

SB: $40
MI: $3
AB1: $65
AB2: $85

Link (Or click the picture)

Auction ends 72 hours after the first bid 


Hmm opening these up again for Sep/Oct

I took a hiatus this month; it helped some. You know to reflect on where I want to take my art, what I want to do, etc. So for now reservations will be put up each month and I'll actually set limits/days off for myself. :') It may not work out all that well but; there's no harm in trying!

Fullbody Options | Custom Gallery


Custom commissions (outfit, myo, original) and fullbody commissions (all styles) will be here with limited slots.

May also add in sketch scenes as well. Sample

  • Limit of 2 fullbody orders per slot (together or separate)
  • These slot claims are for September and October. The month your slot is in is when I will start.
  • While you are claiming a spot; You can choose to pay/send information later. But. To keep said slot you must order by the first day of said month you've claimed. Otherwise the slot will be up for grabs again.
  • You may set a due date; Customs are a 2-3 week minimum; Standard fullbodies are a 1-2 week minimum. Per individual piece.
  • Please take note that depending on volume/promotion the amount of slots open each month may change.
  • Claiming can be done via comment, pm, email, or twitter
  • Please adhere to the ToS

Slots - September
1) Aspasia
2) Starmax
3) Jules ✓
4) bookfangeek ✓
Slots - October
1) Closed

Thank you very much!

June/July Fullbody + Custom Reservations

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Jinsei

Uhh hi trying something new this summer? 

I'd really like to work on projects and actually start. Getting back to not being a 2005 windows xp on it's last leg so- 

Fullbody Options | Custom Gallery


Custom commissions (outfit, myo, original) and fullbody commissions (all styles) will be here with limited slots.

  • Limit of 2 fullbody orders per slot (together or separate)
  • These slot claims are for June and July. The month your slot is in is when I will start.
  • While you are claiming a spot; You can choose to pay/send information later. But. To keep said slot you must order by the first day of said month you've claimed. Otherwise the slot will be up for grabs again.
  • You may set a due date; Customs are a 2-3 week minimum; Standard fullbodies are a 1-2 week minimum. Per individual piece.
  • Please take note that depending on volume/promotion the amount of slots open each month may change.
  • Claiming can be done via comment, pm, email, or twitter
  • Please adhere to the ToS

Slots - June
1) poofypetals ✓
2) IndecisiveAdvocate ✓
3) Jaye ✓
Slots - July
1) Aspasia ✓

Thank you very much!

** Minor Commission/Trade Update

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Jinsei

Figured I'd be better off posting something sooner rather than later-

But! Currently running a bit behind on art work and dues due to work; 

On a positive note; I managed to get my schedule changed for my part time job, so I'll be working three days a week instead of five. Hopefully I'll be able to do more than just sleep on my days off now :')

Said schedule doesn't go into affect until the 21st; so I hope you'll bear with me until then!

That being said! I will do my best to get most/all dues done this month + some guest adopts should be out as well. Because of this (and other things due this month like a zine piece, irl stuff, etc) commissions will most likely stay closed until mid November/first of December unless you're very open to waiting.

Thank you very much! <3

- Jin

Note for contact-

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Jinsei

So I wasn't originally going to post anything because I didn't... Think it would be too bad but! I am on the east coast and while I'm not close enough to warrant worry on my safety; my power may go out.

If that's the case I may not be able to draw (I will conserve my laptop battery to charge our phones) and I will ask you wait patiently until then.

Then again, this is an if!

Thank you for your time and stay well <3

- Jin

Minor Update(?) - Part Vent

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Jinsei

I wasn't going to say anything previously outside of twitter and my public trello updates but at this point I'm frustrated so I may as well. Please forgive me for the minor vent though; I'm not... One for sharing personal things often.

Recently I had surgery (June 26th) and am currently recovering. I've finished up with my antibiotics and other medications so now it's just my body that has to recover... Which I've found to be the frustrating part. I know it's a given and I'm only human; but there is something unexpectedly unnerving about being so.... Exhausted. I'm used to doing so much each week! Like laundry and cleaning, walking, drawing, etc. But at this point it's so hard to... Do much more than sleep. Even the load of laundry I did today wore me out.

It's been awhile since I've had surgery so maybe last time was the same as well, but going from being able to draw for hours on end every day to barely being able to work for 30-60 minutes at a time is so infuriating. Then again, I'm still slowly regaining full range of motion in my arms too so;;;

Minor self irritation and venting aside; those who have commissioned me I ask for your patience this month as I slowly get back into working order. I know recovery is important and I shouldn't push myself, but I'd at least like to be able to work and finish commissions like before.

I want to be able to catch up and clear out my list again, offer new things, etc etc. I had all of these plans for summer art ideas yet here I am stuck resting o(-<

Either way again; please forgive any and all slowness in my work for the month. I will do my best to push forward and draw with the energy I have òvó9