QuakeArts's Profile Comments

hello! if https://toyhou.se/1508888.free is still open i'd love to claim them <3

Can I please have your "Free" characthers? qwq

I only do one per person, which one were you interested in?

The grey hair one ^^

This user's account has been closed.

Thank you for the like on Alana!! XD

Thanks for subscribing me! <3

Can't wait to see all of your beautiful, precious characters!! <3 e u e

Hng thankyou bab You too ! <33 Still trying to figure out how to use things XD

Yeah, it's kind of weird at first, but if you need any help you know where to find me. e u e <3

Thankchu <3 <3 I think I'll stalk yo page for a bit to see what I can do for my own XD

Well you can't do lots of stuff, that's for sure. XD And my page is boring af. I should recode, but I'm lazy. ;; A ;;

Welcome to toyhou.se I hope you find it worthwhile

Thankyou ! <3

No problem