PSA chargeback documentation

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago by AgentM-Chan

Disclaimer: Do not harass this user this is simply so that you can be aware. A few of these screenies may be confusing, the reason of which is explained below, many of the conversation pieces were pulled from my outbox instead of my inbox, also explained below. I may have sounded angry in some messages but understandably so so just bare with me and take this information for your own education.

It took a lot for me to decide to do this only because everyone I had for support, i.e. the other victims, seemed to have faith in the fact that she was helping, at least a little so I also though maybe the person in question might be on our side. Anyways here goes.


The user in question: Hatsumi on

Lumenoise on deviantart

These are the aliases she goes by but I believe there are more. All transactions happened on A few weeks back I did a resell of a design by the deviantart artist Ahniki to the user Hatsumi. She seemed suspicious as I had never heard of her around the community and a bit dodgey with payment but I was in a crunch and eventually the design was resold on 3/02/16


Things were fine, they had and still have the adopt in use but suddenly I got a chargeback on 3/21/16 and contacted them immediately

To which I got these two replies


I was livid, but calm and as others trickled in with similar stories it seemed she began being co-operative. She showed us screenshots to show her claims that she did not in fact do the chargebacks. We had a small exchange of words before I told her we need to get this figured out to which she responded with the following

Here she claims it was resolved

She kept deleting my part of the messages so we couldn't get a good idea of the convo so excuse these copy pastes

A few of these are out of order because of the issue mentioned before, she deleted every part I sent her from our convos so these are all from my but you can get the picture, something about her bank behavior didn't sound like what a bank would do, but I rolled with it until I questioned her on it

Eventually she told me I could send our conversations off to paypal which I replied I couldn't because she kept cutting things off, so she updated her initial buletin and now it looks like this

And she never provided the extra evidence

As I said she was co-operative, they provided a screenshot or two of their paypal and claimed that the end claims button was not available to them, but the screenshots were conveniently cut off where that button would be and I could never get a better version out of her.

Eventually she claimed that the payments had all cleared in her statement and we should have the money back, etc.


THE POINT IS she was co-operative but with faulty “info” that I never really trusted and though I held out hope in the end the chargeback was resolved in her favor, mind you even as she tried to solve things in her bank, I, and the others from that were victims, fought the chargebacks with evidence which failed. So the day the chargeback resolved in her favor I messaged her and this was our convo til now

Our last correspondence was that above message I sent her (the top post this is from my outbox) on April 15th which she hasn't read and has not been online since. It's awful convenient that after the chargeback was over, she's ghost


In total I am out about $200? That's total damages.

The chargeback was $100

The fee for the chargeback was $20

I had to pay a bill through my paypal, on my paypal (mandatory I had no option but to do so) and they forced the chargeback money out of my bank account putting me in the negative $40

And the money I had to borrow from my credit card to fix that asap (to avoid more fees) plus fees for that withdrawl was $50

Now I am aware that the latter two items hve little to do with paypal, but had the chargeback not been initiated I could've paid my bill that I had to pay anyways, normally and without strain as I do every month.


The character is as of now Stolen and I have talked to the original artist whose support I have and I am waiting for a response to see if the admin here will back me with my evidence


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