She gone

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by Pinky

Since I've moved all my sales to gumroad, i really don't need two threads anymore !! From now on if you're using freebies please post here !


I'm using one! Thank you for making them! <3


using one! <3


small update! updated all user profiles to be live samples + brought my old pattern freebie back from the grave. i still see a fair number of ppl using the old legacy one, so hopefully you can upgrade to this new one! it's all custom colors & your colors will stay consistent across all themes

also uploaded a new forum post, it's meant to be a little rp listing type of thing for your characters. it can be used in bulletins as well !


I love your profiles!! I will be using them for sure!


im using ^^ was going to comment after all done in case i changed my mind, but its taking me a while to get it all set up XD thanks for making these


Using short form! Thank you for coding this they look so nice!


I am using some of these for sure!! thank you so much for making them!!


I'm using the Divided and Pattern codes, thank you so much!!


Used, thank you (:


Using the roleplay forum post!


Not shore if I have already said so but I'm using colours