Several HTML questions?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by ElithianFox

While I work with very simple HTML and WYSIWYG, I also regularly open the code view to declutter some of the code that sometimes gets really packed. I've noticed that several things pop up automatically without realising what they do, so I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on why they happen and if there's anything I can do to avoid them?

First is this paragraph style that appears in many of my old threads made before the recode. I'm mostly curious about what the class="p3" stands for and how it got there.


Then there's also a bit of clutter that appears at random in both old and new threads, usually when I try to make something with an indent or with bullet lists, and I'm at loss for what this all stands for and how it happens?



background-color: initial means set the bg color to the default value
font-family is setting the font face; font faces set in a hierarchy, so if the first font isn't available in the user's browser it will try the next font & so on; there are several fonts listed here
font-size is setting the font size

it appears the word "arms" is emphasized (italics) so it sets all the font properties to the emphasized font, and then it sets the properties to the rest of the font with a span tag

it's all just code generated by the WYSIWYG. it's just the nature of the editor, they make big cluttered html cuz it's just a program following the rules that have been coded for them. i'm not sure if the classes p3 & li3 do anything, i'd have to see the page, it doesnt hurt anything though, if you're gonna use WYSIWYG then that's just how it generates code; what it looks like doesnt matter too much if it gets the job done! (i will say i know very little of the editor on here because it do not use it; i tried using source code, didn't like what it did to my coding & have had it off ever since)

personally i do not like the WYSIWYG editor cuz it will change things you put in the source code to match its rules + the cluttered HTML it generates. however i am comfortable writing HTML so my preference is biased LOL but basically if you want more control over the HTML on your pages, you'd need to turn of WYSIWYG!


I'm a frontend developer, so HTML without WYSIWYG isn't good enough for me. I work with SASS regularly, and use an HTML templating system and javascripts, and when you get that much freedom and power, going back to even plain old CSS feels wrong. So I make my own tools.


lowkeywicked Thanks for the answer! The WSYIWYG editor is indeed fairly dodgy, but I'm too new to HTML to go without it c': From looking at the page, the li3 and p3 classes don't seem to be doing anything. 

SchwarzerAlptraum That's a cool tool, but definitely high above my own level of coding!