Show Me Your Elves!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by sylvari

hi i'm a local elf enthusiast here to ask everyone to show me your elf characters. they can be from your DnD campaign or skyrim, WoW, dragon age, or just an original elf.

here is one of my boys, rayhourne. majority of my characters are elves.

now show me those pretty elves!!

Dalmius Enwenys brevi

this is dalmius!! she's a daemonfey/half-demon moon elf, and a sorcerer for a dnd campaign. she's generally a comedic relief character and likes using charm person a little too much,

Mialee Nailo PalewindGaming

Elves, eh? Ask and you shall receive! This is Mialee, a ranger/blackguard. She's my bab and I love her.