[READ] Todo List

Posted 9 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by lulu

on the todo list in very rough order of priority:

  • Authorization levels - kinda done, but still looking for ways to improve
  • Worlds Overhaul.
  • View Previous Posts / Subscribed Threads / Created Threads
    • Actually probably just a General Forums overhall...
    • Allowing users to delete their own threads.
    • Showing when posts have been edited (+ possible for mods to see original post?)
  • Folder icons and blurbs
  • Species creation
  • Literature submissions/pages for characters
    • Changable privacy levels for the pages possibly
    • "AU" pages
  • Clean up mass image/character management
  • QoL fixes
    • Mass deletion, links to individual edit panels
    • "Next" button when browsing through character pages.
    • "Are You Sure You Want to Delete" pop-up when hitting delete for posts/comments/everything
  • Deleting comments probably needs a confirmation panel...
  • Site search
    • Character search by tag or unverified URL
    • Image search by URL might be useful too, hm
  • Fix thread notifications links to take you to the latest page... Actually I should have it take you directly to the post, I was too lazy when coding this and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to change now
    • Same with thread links on the forum's front page
  • Random character/user link (only for listed and public characters & users)
  • User autocompletion
  • Tag blocking
  • Layout fixing like just in general going around and fixing forms and also checking to see that everything wraps correctly
  • Liking or favving forum posts
  • World tags maybe
    • World galleries
  • Popular world listing on the front page thinks about it... Maybe worlds that've added a lot of members in the past few days? hm...
  • Have a look at a chat... I don't think cloudflare works with websockets so I'll need to have a think about it rubs chin I don't really like the idea of an AJAX chat
  • Image thumbnail / character avatar cropping tool
    • This is half done but I realised it was taking way too long so I've shelved it for later...
  • Drag & drop uploading
  • Bulk image/characters upload
  • Tagging images with multiple characters
    • stares into the distance i'm not looking forward to this
  • Image tagging and specialised/tagged galleries, embedded galleries for character pages
    • stares further into the distance... also not... looking forward to this...
  • Dice rollers on the forums
  • Downloading threads as a PDF/etc... / downloading character profiles?
  • Custom Post Formatting
  • Delete images from image manager
  • Character link sorting/deleting
    • Editable icons seperate from the character icons?
  • More user options including # of charas displayed on a page.

Feature fixes / comments

  • Watermarked thumbnails needs to be looked at, I'm not really happy with it atm.. 
  • Commission a logo artist for a clean logo 
  • I should just outsource the front end to a proper front end developer
  • Fix how images teleport when you try to drag one that's at the end of the row

Features I'm thinking about and welcome suggestions for:

  • Anonymous comments (if I do throw this in you're still certainly going to have to be logged in so the recipient can report malicious content if necessary)
  • Allowing for fandom/canon characters 
  • World chats - just mulling it over right now...

Heads up, sorry for requoting you guys. It's just been a while so I wanted to make it clear what I'm responding to! Also, sorry for any typos, please be forgiving. orz


I have no idea if someone's reported this yet, but when you're blocked, you can still see the OCs of someone who has blocked you. You can't comment, but you can still see the OCs. I think this should be a feature that should be changed so you can't see anything of the person who blocked you, yanno? Blocked is blocked. x:

Then again, maybe this is being kept around in case there's a scenario where someone claims OC theft and they need a link to the specific character even after they've been blocked? That does make sense, too.

Regarding block, I see this in the FAQ: "I'm thinking of blocking stuff like favorites", and I think that would be a good idea. It'd be a little strange if someone you have blocked, or if someone who's blocked you, can still favorite your characters.

I believe this was intentional for the reason you listed, but we are looking at ways to make Block more user friendly. : ( TheLadyAnatola this answer is related to your question, so I'm just pinging you here!


This was entirely UI unfamiliarity on my part, but if you create a character and list yourself as on-site creator (instead of the default like I should have, oops) it sends a transfer request to you from yourself for the character in question. Is this something you guys would be looking to clean up? I'm not nitpicking or anything since it's definitely not intended usage, it just also seemed like the kind of quirk that was worth mentioning since I can't find anyone else who goofed like I did haha.

Errrrr.... that def. should not be happening! Haha, I will ask Lulu to look into it.


May I ask if the point "Clean up mass image/character management" involves the idea of making more than one gallery for each character possible? Or if this a thing in general? I'd love to sort pictures of my OCs into sepperate galleries of for example "fanart I received from other artists" and "refs or pictures I drew myself"



In addition to the "default folder view" we can set, why not a default tag for viewing ? I've got characters set in their own plot folders but marked with a specific tag for the public (some of my stuff is private). Setting a default tag for viewers would be extremely helpful so I don't have to move any characters and still be able to view them all without having to fish through folders or hit "view all". 

I think I know what you're talking about & it is something we're aware of but it might not manifest as making a tag default but rather making a certain folder the default folder if that makes any sense.

Modwri pax

Re: Nighttime Theme

Thank you for suggesting this! It honestly never crossed our minds.


I'd like to be able to be logged in from two devices at once :)

No plans for this right now for a multitude of reasons, sorry for the trouble. : (


idk if anyone ever made this suggestion but, if you could make Management a bit easier by highlighting the characters when they've been selected, i'd really appreciate it! it's hard to tells who's been clicked/un-clicked when i'm managing tags/etc for multiple characters :") also if possible, multiple image uploading? thank you for your time and hard work though!

If I'm understanding this correctly... I think it should already do that? Here's a screenshot from my character management page:

Clicking once on them highlights them grey. Clicking them again unhighlights it. Multiple image uploading is on our list!


ouob have you guys thought of making an app for the site ouo?

No. I don't think we will ever. Maybe some time in the far, far, far future when we're bored out of our minds and have nothing better to do with our time? Actual Mobile Support for the site IS something we have planned though.


i think it would be nice if when you linked a character profile on a site that previews links, the preview showed the character's icon instead of the user's icon.

Don't think this will happen due to how the site is coded. I'll ask though!


1. Public is ofc for EVERYONE, visitors with no account and people who do (unless blocked) Maybe something where people with an account here with Toyhou.se only can see? Like they'd have to log in to see them! Then the usual authorized only, and private blahblah

2. I wish we could see when/if a post/comment got updated. People could be changing their comments to hide something icky they said and we'd never know because the comment doesn't show that it was ever edited beyond the original post

Sorry for condensing your comments.

1. Yes! This is specifically one addition we have for the "update privacy settings"

2. We do have something like this for comments on bulletins and profiles where it shows that a post has been edited, but doesn't show the original text. I don't think we will ever make the original text accessible to all users, but maybe for mods? Maybe not. I will ask if the edited feature can be hotfixed onto forum posts, but don't hold your breath.



thank you for the helpful reply!! I look forward to the update that adds more privacy settings the most.

If you don't mind me asking, do you perhaps know when the next update for that will be? There are people who I know have a tendency to creep on my ocs and take things of them that I have blocked specifically so they cannot view them, but if they log out they can and it's making it really hard to feel secure here on Toyhou.se ;w;


Though I really so like the way the site is itself otherwise! I'm very grateful to the admins and such that do their absolute best to keep this going <3


Oh ! Thank you for the reply, it seems that my monitor's gamma has been too high the entire time so I couldn't see ithe grey highlight :0 oops,, but thank you again!



Worlds is a feature we're looking at overhauling in general since it doesn't seem to work the way people want it to work. I think it may go along with a general forum upgrade with thread trackers and past posts and that kind of stuff!


No, thanks for bringing it up! Is there a reason your gamma was so high? I only ask because if its difficult to use/see/navigate the site I'd like to know so we can push changes that will make it more accessible. If it's just a ...personal preference ...? in general? I suppose, then its all good.


Gotcha, will ask about it!


It was probably personal preference? I set it some time ago so I didn't even realize hh, the grey is noticable now though! It's a light grey, while on my other monitor its a bit more dark and obvious but the light grey one is still noticable ^^


Will the forums ever get updated with a toggle feature for threads that would allow you to toggle between newest to oldest, oldest to newest and bumped posts?


 Hi, three things:

1. I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but something I find cumbersome when browsing is that each image on a character registers as a separate page, so when I hit 'back,' instead of general expected slideshow behavior ie. going back to the previous page, it just pages back to the previous image. I don't know if this is intended but it is a little odd.

2. I think one thing that would be helpful for those trying to market their sales/trades/commissions/ych's/etc etc etc would be to have thumbnails for forum threads, as currently it's very time-consuming to open and check every thread when you just want to browse what's available. Perhaps this could be a premium feature?

3. As far as your search for a front-end dev, would this be like, a real job position, or kind of more like a for-funsies thing? I ask because I'm a front-dend dev by day, and wouldn't mind pitching in here and there to help out with things like mobile optimization, etc. if you need it! :>


An option in the mass editor to select 'all' as in all characters on the page.

Also maybe the mass editor shouldn't have pages, but an endless scroll instead?


It's not really a suggestion for the site, rather for the forum :) I'd be great if there was a limit on how often people can bump their own post in a certain amount of time. On the 'character trade' forum people are bumping their threads sometimes as often as several times an hour O.o It's time consuming, messy, and it's not fair towards people who can't be online all the time: Often a thread is gone from the first page in less than 15 minutes! 


Feature suggestion: Option in "Show Recent Characters" on the profile page to be toggled to Random instead of Most Recent. Of course the Featured remains as self-favorited only but Recent can also be ALL randoms.

Personal suggestion: Make a Patreon/Kickstarter for Toyhouse so a full time coder can be hired. It'll also help spread the word about the website.


Not sure if this has been suggested before but... maybe it would be neat if it were possible to comment on the artwork? You already receive notifications for new artworks posted, however it's too bad that I can't comment directly to them. I'm glad it's possible to post descriptions on art, but honestly the ability to comment on them (judging by the current format it would be similar to Instagram or Facebook) would be enough to make me seriously consider leaving deviantART since this site has aspects I enjoy more.