Benny Todd



7 years, 4 months ago


Name: Benny Todd 

Age: 21 

Species: Triclops 

Height: 5'6" 

Sex: Gender fluid 

Occupation: Paranormal Investigator 

Likes: ghosts, sushi, painting, sketching, 

         playing games, singing, giant pillows. 

Dislikes: waking up before 6pm, monsters who 

            hide under the bed, being corrected, and shopping.

 Quirks: tends to see and hear ghosts on a regular basis. 

            has a bad habit of biting their nails, 

             likes to sketch new people they meet,

             doesn't know how to read.

Relationship status: unsure

Background: Benny grew up with their grandmother, who lived near the graveyard of the local town. 

Being brought up to help the dead crossover, Benny spent most of their childhood at home. 

School was never a priority in their family so benny never went to school.

 Their grandma was more of a dower, believing that reading was a waste of time. 

So Benny never learned, opting to draw what they meant which usually confused the monsters they met.

 Leaving the town when they turned 17, Benny moved to the city, where they did odd jobs.

 They currently live in a group home with several other monsters.