


3 years, 1 month ago




Name Lars
Gender Cis male (he/him)
Species Sabertooth tiger
Age 19
Nationality American
Religion Atheist
Orientation Straight
Status Single
Role Student + musician


  • Parties + gigs
  • Metal music (particularly thrash + NWOBHM)
  • Action movies
  • Beer


  • Responsibilities
  • Maths
  • Sports
  • Karate in the pit
  • Hangovers

“Bang your head as if up from the dead”


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Humorous Serious
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Cautious Risky
Polite Sassy


Lars is a wild, reckless and confident young tiger with a love for beer and loud music. He’s known for his attitude and outgoing personality, which others many find overwhelming or even intimidating. Despite this he is fiercely loyal friend, never afraid to stand up for those he loves. Lars is a student, supposedly studying music, but one would never guess this as he never attends any lectures. Rather than focusing on music in an academic setting, he would rather play his drums, attend gigs or hang out at the local record store. Lars hopes to make it big as a drummer some day and takes it incredibly personally when people criticise his big ideas. Don’t ever tell him he’ll never make it big in the music industry - that’ll only cause him to spend the rest of the day yelling and arguing. Despite his stubborn nature, Lars truly cares about his craft and spends a great deal of time practicing - he has an incredibly competitive streak and desperately wants to be remembered as one of the greats.


  • He often helps out as a sound technician for local amateur plays/performances.
  • He loves bright colours and all neon things.
  • He overshares/complains a lot - don’t ask him how his day was, he’ll complain about every minor inconvenience that happened.
  • He has few male friends and tends to find women easier to talk to and befriend.


Build A little chubby
Height Average
Demeanour Cheerful, confident
Style Metalhead

Design Notes

  • Usually drawn wearing his main outfit (the one with a blue denim vest).
  • His “cheek fur” should be drawn long and fluffy.
  • Although it’s not mandatory, feel free to draw him with a little bit of chub/a beer belly!
  • He has pale circles around his eyes.
  • He has large canine teeth. The length and size of them are flexible, but just make sure they’re noticeably longer than his other teeth!
  • He has neon green innards.
  • He can be drawn wearing any of his alt. outfits and with any of his opt. accessories.



Razor and Lars are inseparable. The two best friends bond over their love for music, whether that means jamming out or listening to records with each other. The two sabers are just as zany as each other and share an almost sibling-like bond.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.