Kazuya Ishikawa



3 years, 7 months ago


Gender: Male

Age: 71

Birthday: May 22nd

Height: 5' 7"

Hair color: Grey

Eye color: Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Owner of Pucelle Ciel

Loves: American Pastries, Neon Art,

Hates: Racism, bigotry, 

Kazuya is an American-Japanese Immigrant who arrived at a costal city. He arrived with his family in hopes for a fresh new start in anew place. But quickly they were meant with barriers, and disgusting treatment from the people of the 1950s. Though while stuck in this horrific situation, he and his family decided to keep pushing to try to make the best of it. He acquired a job at Dunkin Donuts and began having a better understanding of people around him, even when feeling the hate towards others. During his job, he was also taught how to bake donuts and other pastries. Though he ended up losing his job due to his participations in many protests in the 1960s, ones for civil rights and environmentalism.

Kazuya soon ended up working at several different bakeries and began settling in as more of a cook. But around the 1990s, he began trying to start his own businesses while working part-time. Overtime though it was becoming harder and harder to start his own business, specifically a bakery and pasties store. It was a constant battle to just get a place to establish and even then most of the time he wouldn't even get cleared for that. In the 2000s, his parents ended up dying due to cancer, leaving him struggling on pushing forward.

In 2012, feeling at his lowest and ending up believing in the end of the world myths sweeping the world, he decided to just fully invest everything into a new hybrid eatery, one that would combine the diners or at least the diners he saw in the movies with the increase in popularity of maid cafes back in Japan. The combination seemed to be working as well as the location being close to a hotel and the beach, though he ended up having to use the restaurant as his place to sleep for a while. When 2013 came, he was surprised that the end didn't happen, and was even more surprised how he was still keeping the place open. The mixture of two cultures ended up becoming an interest to visitors and some of the food on offer is rather unique compared to other places in the city.

Now Kazuya comes off as a rather chipper old man and owner, not shy from promoting different and important causes. He isn't the richest man in the district but he's just glad to have his dream eatery open for people to enjoy. And right now, that's all he wants and needs.