


6 years, 10 months ago


Check out my Lore Glossary if you see a term you want context for! 

AgeLike 200, probably
SpeciesVampire (Plagish)


Bloodthirsty stray vamp, from a vampiric bloodline infamous for being bloodthirsty & impulsive death machines that have historically been killed on discovery out of a very reasonable fear of them.  Despite the systematic purging, the line still evades eradication somehow and every once in a while an outbreak of victims/new vampires will erupt & have to be dealt with.

Michael is a rarity of the line in that he has some degree of self control and can hide well enough to not be immediately flagged as a danger.  Can't find a (respectable) job but also is vehemently opposed to trying out any kind of program set up to help people in this specific situation.  Probably because he grew up in a shitty orphanage & thinks any kind of systematic 'help' is a trap set up by sadists, which is also how he ended up adopting a dumpster baby he found.

In the past he's just been concerned with survival, but now he has someone depending on him who he desperately wants to do good for even though he definitely wants to eat it at least 50% of the time.

Personality & Outlook

Seems half-feral, depraved, not super concerned with being presentable or proper because what's the point.  As soon as anyone knows what he is they're gonna treat him like a wild beast regardless.

Actually, he's trying to be better for the sake of being a good role model to his kid but it's a slow change.

Powers & Assets

Vampire Stuff
Excellent night vision/hearing/smell.  A great asset but also leaves him prone to overstimulation.  Also just a constant bloodlust, which is not as much of an asset.

Prehensile Tail
Essentially a 5th limb, definitely used often to hang upside-down(he may or may not sleep that way).



Child [child]
He would die for it (except not really because he doesn't want to orphan it TWICE). Tried out different names but nothing really stuck, whatever he'll let it name itself whenever it figures out talking. Oscillates between calling it 'the brat' or 'the babe' depending on his mood.


Maurice [ boss / roommate? / coparent? ]
Guy who has work for him sometimes.  Michael has been working for this guy longer than he's had the kid.  Maurice doesn't usually care about his employees' private lives but he basically made Michael move in with him when he found out he was trying to raise a child on the streets.  Michael doesn't trust it/expects to be booted out eventually (as is the norm for him).  But it's nice that Maurice is already a vampire and can't be infected with Michael's plague disease.


Melahn [ Maurice's husband?? / begrudging co-parent ]
Ohhh my god this guy is so annoying.  Michael wants to maim him every time he opens his mouth he just thinks he knows everything about everything!!!  Insufferable because he actually does know quite a lot and picks up new skills very easily.  (Melahn doesn't care for Michael either, really.  But he does think it's very cute and kind of Maurice to take him in.)  Also a vampire that Michael can't infect but he can't maim him because unfortunately Melahn is better at fighting than him.


Grungey, mysterious stains, raw slabs of meat, dumpster miscellany.


• Similarities to Oppossums: nocturnal, hangs out in a dumpster, probably been hit by a car, HISS

• his appearance has nothing to do with his vampirism, in his setting Michael has an acceptable amount of mutation to still be recognizably human

sorry for all the 'M' names I hate it too

Q & A

Q: Question
A: Answer

Artist Notes

  • The hair on his face is actually growing from his cheeks a la weird sideburns, not curling down from his scalp
  • Eyes can be black with red/pink sclera, or red/pink with black sclera, idc