Martin Yoshu's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

RumCandy Global Rules

Rumcandy FAQ & TOS :

Rumcandy Trade/Resell Center:

Note to all owners of our designs:

♥ Premades are NOT allowed to be resold. (This rule has been in effect since May 11, 2015. Adopts older than this date may have resell rules which we still will honor, please check original adopt listing if your adopt applies.)

♥ We highly suggest owners watermarking their adopts to keep their adopts safe

♥ Please directly notify us when there is a new owner transfership, to update original adopt listing records.

♥♥ Failure to do so will result in being blacklisted as this is breaking our TOS.

♥♥ We are not notified of any Toyhouse transferships made, and do not consider them official in our public records, and not informing us is considered as scamming behavior and breaking TOS.

♥♥ Owner should be listed on the original adopt listing in order to be proven valid.