


6 years, 11 months ago



Name: Uli

Age: Technically ageless, his outward appearance is that of someone in their early to mid 20s

Gender: Genderless/genderfluid/ identifies as he/they most of the time, androids can change their physical sex at anytime

Height: 5'3"

Species: Android 

Occupation: Full time nurse and assistant at Penrith General Hospital, A non-profit hospital that treats all interstellar life. Uli specializes in the emergency department and aiding surgeons and has very advanced knowledge on treating most lifeforms. 

Significant Other: Lionel

Appearance: Once in a tragic accident, parts of Uli were irreplaceably damaged so they now features red 'band-aid' weldings to cover and protect the damaged areas. It does not affect his work however; his other eye being redesigned to make up for the otherwise lack of depth perception. The other noticeable feature of Uli is his choice in clothing; he tends to wear a nurse costume as casual clothing when not at work, much to the bemusement of the other staff (he wears official nurse attire while actually on the job).


Personality: Designed specifically for going into the medical field, Uli is particularly analytic and perceptive even among his robotic peers. These aspects are not well reflected in his personality though, as he is quite energetic and chatty, often giving the first impression of being a goofball. He is incredibly positive and good-natured, however this is a double-edged sword when dealing with patients as his understanding of death and pain is rather abstract, and his positive outlook can border on insensitive. 


Likes: Chatting with patients and people in general, helping out, being organized, getting to show off his skills, doing errands, horsing around with young patients, the color pink


Dislikes: Doing paperwork, slow days, teaching interns, losing a patient



- Positive and friendly

- Analytical 

- Extremely perceptive and able to pick up on small details

- Hardworking 

- Team player



- His analyzations don't account for the human emotion involved

- Submissive; not good at taking the lead in situations, often looking to others for direction

- Grasps some human elements only on a conceptual level 

- Strong personality that may clash with others


Plot: In the future, overpopulation becomes a worldwide issue on earth and in response the development, study and creation of androids becomes a top priority. Androids become a large part of the workforce and become more advanced with time as they become easier to develop, and are able to be designed for particular tasks. The biggest perk of android creation is how few resources they use after their creation, only needing to electrically charge up at night. However, androids become so complex and human-like that it is brought to question the ethics of how they are treated, as they reach the point of being like living beings that can learn and feel. Eventually through political movements, protests and laws being passed, androids become protected as living beings, and elements in their coding that enslave them to humans (the 3 laws of robotics) removed. Instead, androids now go through a series of tests in a specialized lab that allows them to cultivate an identity and personality through their choices made on the various tests, and it allows researchers to ensure they do not have aggressive tendencies before sending them into the world. Most androids are made for specific tasks or work fields and are adapted to fit the needs of that job, and the test also determines the placement of the androids based on their test results.

The advancement in android technology allows for more space travel, and many androids are created to explore new planets. Soon after androids are sent into deep space to explore, contact with intelligent alien lifeforms is made and the discovery of more and more planets and species happen shortly after, earth joining an intergalactic alliance and sharing technology between species and planets, sending earth into a fast-paced intergalactic renaissance.   


Backstory: Even out of other medical assistant androids, Uli proved to be exceptionally talented, though some researchers found his developed personality to be on the rowdy side. But with strong recommendation from the research team as a whole Uli was sent to Penrith General Hospital, one of the largest and most well known hospitals on Earth that deals with all species. Finding his place in the staff, Uli becomes an outstanding assistant despite his quirks, working mostly with surgeons. A few days into his new job his inexperience in actually working with living beings becomes clear as an alien patient goes berserk under his care with other newbie staff, and Uli receives irreparable damage from the attack, his optical wiring in one eye completely destroyed, as well as several surface wounds that would be costly to truly fix, so instead he is patched up, and his other eye rebuilt to make up for the loss. However, Uli does not let this event affect his work, and his inability to feel true fear as an android comes in handy with the experienced trauma. Uli still does the same job, and is a highly experienced nurse with several years of work under his belt.  



Lionel- One of the few remaining human surgeons in a field dominated by androids and alien lifeforms, Lionel previously worked at a small private clinic before being transferred to Penright general hospital. Lionel is considered an excellent surgeon for a reason: he’s incredibly skilled, logical and intelligent, however his serious and cold attitude mixed with his general social ineptness leaves some customer service skills to be desired. 

Coming from an old-fashioned clinic with mostly human clientele and first-generation androids, he receives an intense culture-shock from the fast paced and multi-species general hospital, but especially from his high-tech and bubbly android co-worker, Uli. A clash of personalities to begin with, Lionel is particularly weirded out by just how much personality Uli has in comparison to the stoic androids he’s used too. Though the two don't seem seem like they should get along at first glance, but theres great chemistry between them when it comes to work, the 2 have a similar work tempo and Lionel rarely has to ask for anything from Uli as an assistant because he is already on it. They quickly become a star duo, completeing many dangerous and complex surgeries together.

Off-duty, their relationship has quickly moved from professional to very non-professional, their intial enamorment with eachothers odd quirks becoming romantic interest over time.