


3 years, 1 month ago


My 2nd Flurofaun.


Rion has a seemingly laidback and carefree personality, often seen lazing around and doing nothing 'of worth' with his time, being found usually at clubs/bars/parties without a care in the world. However, unlike what others may think of him, he actually has a very good balance of work/play in his life, often only attending so many events in order to make connections and build up his reputation, whilst spending much of his time out of the public eye working as the hotel manager of one of the biggest hotels in the city. He also rarely gets stressed, and if he does he never shows it to people he doesn't trust.


Rion doesn't like talking about his past, even now after all these years, since it brings up bad memories for him. He, who was born to a wealthy family of successful businessmen, was consumed by the strict and expectant lifestyle around him. His twin older brother, only 5 minutes older than him, was a genius. Talented, powerful and with an aura one simply had to be born with, he was the family's pride and joy, everyone said he would bring the family to even greater heights in the future.

Constantly compared to such a figure, Rion was slowly eaten alive by his inferiority complex.

'Why is he so different? Why was he born a genius, but not me? Why do i work until I vomit blood and he just wins without a second glance? Why do my parents look so disappointed whenever they see me? Why? What did I do wrong?'

Consumed by the stress and fatigue of it all, Rion entered a life of debauchery, causing him to quickly get disowned by his family. He even spent some of his precious savings on flurofaun serum. It was only until he met Keena at a bar one day, depressedly ranting about his unfortunate lot in life, that he saw the light.

"Why should you compare yourself to him? Because you're twins?"

"What about other family relations, like cousins? Parents? Aunts and uncles? Are you comparing yourself to them too?"

"It's easy to notice someone powerful and dazzling, but living a life consumed by comparisons with others, will drown you."

"There will always be someone better than you at something, because people live different lives and gain different skills. If you can try and accept that, I think your life will change for the better. But, I'm just a stranger giving advice, maybe don't take my words too seriously..."

The latter of her words were drowned in his sudden daze, as he thought over her words for days, weeks even. He felt, he had a chance to change.


Years later, Rion is now in a very successful and stable position as hotel manager, greatly trusted by his boss and living quite a luxurious life. He made his way back up from the very bottom, with no family backing him, which is a tale often spoken of and respected by his peers.

He also has doggedly pursued Keena since that time at a bar, sometimes bordering on even slightly stalkerish behaviour, finally winning his position as her lover.