


3 years, 1 month ago



Name: Amber

Age: 34


Sex/Gender: Female

Race/Ethnicity: Argentinian descendant

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Amber

Orientation: Aromantic

Height: 167cm

Birthday: July 31

Zodiac: Aquarius

Blood Type: A

Occupation: Scientist

Context: Sand Kingdom (Argentina/Chile border in the year 4000a.c.)


She is the royal scientist, and the most important person that leads the team that develops weapons for the war against the Sea kingdom. Her speciality is physics but she also studied chemstry. The king is in love with her, but she just considers him a friend, when he told her he needed a heir and wanted her to bear his child she did it out of duty rather than love, but he also knew the significance a heir had in times of war, so she didn't mind as long as the king provided everything they needed to secure a stable and safe life for both her and the kid; the king was extremely grateful to her and promised to give her anything she wished because he would never be able to pay forthe favor she did to him, she wished for him to give more fundings for her research. She's a very pragmatic person, usually thinks before acting. She loves her son, but she's the stern cold type, is not intentional, she's just like that naturally. She lets Ocre hang around in the lab when nothing important is happening but she doesn't ask about his day unless he himself starts talking about it.

Her outfit is usually while elegant blouses and loose satin pants, her heels aren't that high because her feet will start hurting. Her hair is a bob but she ties it up at the lab. Her high risk lab clothes look similar to a plague doctor outfit. She likes to smoke even if she knows is bad for her, she doesn't care; she only stopped when she became pregnant and then picked up the habit again when the war became more thense, (Ocre was like ten by then).

The only time she became really angry, was when the king was in a paranoid state and asked her to bend space-time in a contained chamber to summon an eldritch deity to fight against the Sea kingdom when one of his spies told him that Intirrah was planning an attack with a sea monster; she told him he didn't knew what he was dealing with, but Ilse went into king mode and ordered to do it still. She did what she was ordered to, but told the king he would regret it. Ilse was the only one allowed to directly see what was happening in the chaimber, she was the only one that would get close to the contact point, so the rest of the team were on the outside chamber of the lab monitoring everything via computers. She successfully attracted the eldritch deity, it was very moth-like, but she was inmediatly absorbed by it and no trace of her was left of her. The king saw everything and became blind while her team died insantly, everyone in the Sand kingdom started to become blind slowly.

Her conscience fused with the Moth deity, but she she saw everything and everyone at the same time and knew exactly what would happen to everyone in the world until the end of entropy. Her only human-like thought by then was to use 0.000001% of the power of the Moth deity to talk to Ocre through the ephemeral lives of moths, he seemed vaguely familiar and his face made her feel something. Ocre died when her last human-like thought was extinguished, as he was supposed to perish like the other. She also made it so Ilse wouldn't die until Ocre had heard the truth of everything, so that's why he died inmediatly after confessing and securing a place for him in the Sea kingdom. 










Rash decisions






Physics experiments



Reading non-fiction


She knows Ilse has a crush on her but she pretends to not know.

The clothes she has are mostly based on confort but she doesn't lack easthetics.

She's bad at asking how other people feel but is not like she doesn't care, just that she didn't thought of asking.

She's bad at reading atmospheres unless is something painfully obvious.

She has a resting bitch face, but she rarely gets actually angry.

She's bad at making friends but she doesn't care, her colleagues appreciate her but she vaguely knows it.