William Enoch



3 years, 1 month ago


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William is a former police inspector. After the debacle of an investigation became an obsession for him. After being trapped and losing both his legs he resigns from the police. He becomes a mechanic on a transport blimp. But in the city the disappearances continue and no one can figure out what is going on. He is eventually called back because he is the most likely to solve the problem. He gets help from Constance, a mage doctor and herbalist with whom he lives as a roommate.
He loves mechanics and makes all sorts of objects, using a little magic to mechanise many of the objects in the flat. He has two large barzois that he took in injured and made prostheses for them. He is often a bit jaded/concerned or on the contrary pleasant depending on the situation. He takes great care of his appearance, wears make-up and jewellery. He is quite androgynous and sometimes he can be mistaken for a woman.