


3 years, 1 month ago


Please don't draw him with a tiny nose/lips, it won't look like him!

(random character writing notes--)

  • 5'11
  • -dark roots, grey hair
  • -yellow eyes
  • -arms are wings
  • -toes a bit ...too long, and flexible
  • -hooded crow x siren
  • -slouchy, looks disheveled even when ‘dressed up’ (wears mismatched, threadbare suits & such from secondhand stores, with the shirt seams slit down the sides.)
  • -generally wears shoes when he’s out despite inconvenience, but not at home. 'Bandage' wrap is a more likely choice for comfort.
Behavior/body language
  • -can play -simple- piano with toes
  • -oddly flexible legs/ankles, can pull knee up behind armpit to use foot as ‘hand’
  • -tends to hunch with wings drawn up around body
  • -tilts head/cranes neck sideways like you would expect from a bird, but more slowly and deliberately
  • -has a way of looking up from under bangs w/ downturned head
  • -’oral fixation’ habits(smoking, chewing lip/ cig/ feathers/ straws/ pens
  • -smoking is bad for you, stop it before you ruin your voice.  Although, half the time he forgets to even light up and just mindlessly  holds them in his mouth until they get soggy (ew)
  • -uses mouth a lot for small tasks along with clumsy wing ‘thumb’
  • -likes precarious places/perches, prefers dim light
  • -mimics voices, sounds, songs. Makes endless esoteric references.
  • -rarely uses his own voice at length except for on his radio (low, quiet, raspy)
  • doesn’t scream/yell (if does, bad time, his siren blood comes out in vengeance)
  • -slightly raises/ speeds voice/ intensity, stares intently with gleaming eyes when interested
  • -likes rhetorical questions
  • -either trails off or bites off sentences