





















Put the details of the injury in this space



Put the details of the injury in this space



Put the details of the injury in this space



Having been sniped from the rooftops while in Power, Corvidae was trapped in an alleyway with their injured, cursed, and sedated bodyguard, Don. In an attempt to siphon energy from Don to be able to heal/use more magic, the curse that had been infecting him burned its way into their soul. Dark scorch marks burned across their face under their eyes as the curse ate at their soul--nearly taking their life as it did so.


Take a Corruption Move 


Corvidae gained the ability to heal others and force emotions onto them.

Take a Corruption Move 


Feeding from anything nonhuman could result in side effects.

Take a Corruption Move 

Put the details of the moves in this space

 Take a Corruption Move from  Another Achetype 

From the Fae

Corvidae gained more magical abilities such as a death-touch, elemental summoning, and turning into a bat.


Put what corrupted them, or maybe even what they're likely to be up to as a Threat


Corvidae is a vampire, wo was turned in the 1920's. This once musician moved to America to try to stay hidden, thinking it easier to move locations in a big country with its large states than the small counties of the UK. They picked up busking on the streets, feeding from the emotions their music brought rather than blood. When the War of Heaven and Earth broke out, Corvide suddenly found they didn't have to run anymore.

They traveled to the city of Chromatica, where Seattle Washington once lay, and was slipped into a city by an employer from the city's red light district. Corvidae worked there peacefully, happy to have a comfortable life until the head of the red light district set them in a serial killer's trap. Rather than die to Track the Ripper, Corvidae tamed him. They consumed his madness and like that had chained themself to him.

Being associated with a serial killer brought danger though, and when the opportunity to adopt a lonely were-rhino as a bodyguard struck, they took it. Thus Don Mariani entered Corvidae's life. They helped him get back into his place and remove some of his deceased sister's things. In the process, they stumbled upon money she had been saving for him to get a procedure for Don to be returned to humanity. He listened to them when they suggested he follow her wish and got it done. When he returned to them, he revealed that he was still plenty qualified for the job even if his skin was a little softer now. Don Mariani was a monster hunter who had killed a god. Corvidae kept him employed, and the two became inseparable.

At one point when one of Don's ex-party members, a vampire hunter, attempted to kill Corvidae, Don took several bad blows in an attempt to save them. With Don potentially dying, Corvidae dove in with only the desire to save him and sparked magic to ignite within them. Suddenly in control of fantastical powers, Corvidae went to the Power District, where the gods, wizards, and witches lived and worked, in search of a teacher. Instead, they found an enemy. A god of the sun, Inti, wanted to steal their magic and began pursuing them. Don retaliated after the multiple attempts on Corvidae's life and almost got killed. Corvidae went after Don to save him and as a result lost their home and their job.

Don invited them to live in his home, where their boss-employee friendship shifted into a romantic entanglement. The pair began taking on a new struggle, helping Corvidae control a primordial force's will.

During one of Inti's hunts for Corvidae, they ended up consuming a curse that was plaguing the city--it had been during a desperate attempt to get their dear Don free of the curse himself. The curse was consuming Corvidae quickly. Don had called on one of their past associates, Eden, and begged her for help. She obliged and took them to meet Gilgamesh: The Cure. The Cure saw an opportunity in Corvidae's ability to consume souls and placed a part of his will into their body. He then began assigning them tasks such as investigating the research that Inti and his organization, the Solar Eclipse, were doing into a way to spread the cure.

In the Solar Eclipse facility, Corvidae, Don, and two of their companions discovered that Inti was attempting to control a hive-mind and use that hive-mind's ability to possess creatures as a way to spread the cure. The experiments were monstrous. With awareness of these creatures brought to their attention, Corvidae was brought onto a job that their companions from the Solar Eclipse base had discovered, an infestation of possessed beings in the sewers of Chromatica. An attempt to free them was made, but the crew that had gathered was overwhelmed and forced to retreat, only saving two people out of a desire to not harm innocents. At that, Corvidae began devising a plan to save them.

After losing their home, Corvidae had sought new jobs. They attempted a side job for a previous client, and ended up being dragged into a secret organization called the Red Rags. The Red Rags lived underground in the black market of the city, and after finding out that Corvidae and Don needed a home and impressed that the pair of them had found the organization to start with, invited them to live in their base. Without many other options, the pair had tentatively accepted. Unfortunately, that meant they still needed a new job, and Corvidae knew just where to look.

When Don had been cursed, they had heard of the god Apollo's clinic specializing in delaying/curing the curse. As someone containing a direct link to Gilgamesh: The Cure, Corvidae figured they could get employment there. They were correct. Corvidae started working for the god Apollo in his clinic with his daughter Ione, and, for the first time in a while, Corvidae made a friend.

Their connection to the god Apollo lead to them noticing his use of music to cure illness, and Corvidae broached him asking about his lyre and if there were a way he could teach them to use music to cure people/soothe en masse to facilitate the release of mind control for the people in the sewers. Apollo told them it was not something he could teach, but there was an item that could be gained. He sent them on a quest into Hell to retrieve the Devil's Fiddle, an instrument that could control minds en masse and drive the user to insanity. Regardless, to help the people of the sewers, Corvidae and Don pursued it.

In an attempt to gather a guide through Hell, Corvidae and Don ran into a man named Charles Jordan, a consumer of souls who seemed to share a last name with Track the Ripper. Track the Ripper, who had revealed to Corvidae that his father consumed not just the flesh of the cannibal ring that he spearheaded, but the mind and soul as well. Distrustful of a man who would run such an organization, they turned him down and instead sought help from Virgil, a god that Corvidae lived on tense terms with after having witnessed him attempting to help those who wished to spread the curse throughout the city.

Corvidae delved into Hell with Don, Virgil, and his employee (and Corvidae's tentative associate), Eden. The four found themsevles facing a half-angel, who had been in possession of the Devil's Fiddle. With everyone injured, Corvidae's life on the brink, and things looking bleak, they did the only thing they could to ensure that the half-angel would stop, they consumed its soul and eradicated it from the cycle of life to prevent its resurrection. With the Devil's Fiddle, a locket of the god Dionysus from the half-angel, and a lot of fresh wounds, the crew returned to the surface and got some rest.

When Corvidae awoke in their room with Don, however, things weren't restful. They could feel everything in the room and see from every angle. Vine-line veins hung off every surface and coated the room, including a sleeping Don. Corvidae panicked and yelled for Don. As he woke, the veins retracted into Corvidae. They had been intrinsically changed. Now a half-angel themself, Corvidae possessed a nephilim. They had gained the ability to send vein-like tendrils from their being and be able to fully sense from them. They also could summon a snake of veins that functioned as an extension of themself. Corvidae and Don both agreed it was the most disgusting thing they'd ever seen.

With this newfound power under their control, Corvidae and Don were getting ready to fight The Curse. They had made plans to meet with others and commence a battle. Before going to meet with the others, however, Corvidae wanted to see if there was anything The Cure had wanted from them. Instead of guidance or another task, The Cure attempted to give them a bullet. The god Apollo had been waiting however--due to his prophetic abilities--and took the bullet for them, dying in their place. Corvidae and Don fled and headed for Apollo's clinic to break the bad news to Ione. She didn't take it well. Suddenly, the pair were in a clinic of dying, desperate people, and Corvidae decided to try to cure as many as they could before the battle, but in accessing The Cure's magic, he set their body aflame. Corvidae nearly burned alive with The Cure's voice telling them to either get rid of The Curse now and be restored or suffer the consequences.

Corvidae awoke in Apollo's clinic, wrapped in one of Don's blankets and being healed by Ione--Eden waiting in the wings to bring them to fight The Curse. Don and Corvidae embraced, him having thought them dead for good, and then they left to take down The Curse, Gilgamesh's counterpart, to save the city and restore Corvidae's form. For the battle, Charles had been brought in. He was meant to consume The Curse, but knowing that they themself gained the power of an angel when consuming it, Corvidae was sure that he would just become a new curse on the city and planned to beat him to it.

The fight began with them attacking small-time members of The Curse's forces to draw him out. Before he arrived, Inti intervened. He attempted to kill Corvidae, but instead he himself almost got killed. Before a final blow could be landed, he was consumed in shadow, and The Curse arrived. The Curse's soul was transferred from the god Anubis, who he was possessing, into Track the Ripper--destroying him instantly and sucking everyone on the battlefield into The Curse itself. Corvidae dove for The Curse during the fight and, as it touched them, their humanoid body was shattered and an angelic form was revealed. The battle continued with Inti attempting to be on their side to save his own skin. As things were turning in their favor, Corvidae scared him off, and then consumed The Curse.

Enraged at being robbed of that power, Charles attempted to attack, but Anubis swiftly dealt with him and everyone began heading home feeling lighter now that the city was free. Everyone except Corvidae who heard Gilgamesh's voice in their head, thanking them for making him whole, as he restored their human appearance. That night they and Don went home with dread.

Needing a break after those events, Corvidae and Don packed their bags and spent two weeks camping in the woods, where they discussed the need for a way to know when the other was dead. They had thought each other dead on multiple occasions and needed a way to be sure to avoid any unnecessary grief or doing something drastic. Don and Corvidae agreed to find a way to link souls. After a search, they found a building made to look like a Vegas casino wedding chapel, and were offered to be married down to their souls--linking them in life and death. Should one die, the other would too. After a discussion, the pair decided to go for it and became wed. Though they didn't get to enjoy being newlyweds for long.

Soon, The Red Rags approached Corvidae and Don and asked them to investigate what Gilgamesh was up to with the threat of being kicked from their home should they not comply. Despite the danger and out of a desire to not lose yet another home, the two went and learned of his plans to take humanity and conquer other worlds using the help of the creatures that had been controlling the minds of the citizens of the city. Corvidae was repulsed and Gilgamesh declared them an enemy. The Red Rags however, embraced them for their efforts and declared they would play an important role in the fight against Gilgamesh. In fact, they even would be the weapon used against him.


Eternal Hunger (Blood)

You hunger for emotions/souls. When you feed, roll with Blood. On a 10+, get all 3. On a 7-9, choose 2:

  • You heal 1 harm or take +1 forward
  • You learn a secret about them
  • They don’t suffer 3 harm
On a miss, something goes terribly wrong.

Irresistable (Heart)

When you persuade an NPC using promises or seduction, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result.

On a miss, your machinations succeed as though you rolled a 7-9, but attract the attention of a rival or enemy.

Cold Blooded (Blood)

When you keep your cool under emotional duress, roll with Blood instead of Spirit.

Don't Look at Me (Heart)

When you mislead someone, roll with Heart instead of Mind. (From the Tainted's Playbook)


When you get into trouble while chasing down a lead, gain armor +1. (From the Aware's Playbook)


You have a safe place, secure from outside dangers. It has emergency rations, a few ghouls, and an escape vector. When someone willingly comes to your haven, they enter your web.

Blood Magic (Corruption Move)

Whenever you use Magic Choose 1: Mark corruption, Owe Gilgamesh: The Cure a debt, or Suffer 1-harm

  • Bedlam: Touch a target to place them in a specific emotional state (your choice). Mark corruption to have that emotion directed toward a target of your choosing
  • Nature’s Caress: Your touch heals 2-harm. You cannot use this power on yourself.

Gach Cumhacht (Corruption Move)

Whenever you use Magic Choose 1: Mark corruption, Owe Gilgamesh: The Cure a debt, or Suffer 1-harm
  • Wild Fury: You summon an element of nature capable of striking your enemies. (2-harm close area or 3-harm close/far)
  • Shape Change: You can briefly change your shape into that of an animal. (Livingstone's Fruit Bat 13in)
  • Wither: You imbue your touch with the power to kill. (3-harm, intimate)
  • Glamours: You create illusions to fool the senses. The effects don’t last long.


  • Hunger Repressing Necklace
    A necklace Corvidae acquired back when the curse started up in the city as a means to protect themself. Whenever it represses their hunger, it glows with a golden light. [represses hunger, magical, glows when activated]
  • Peep (Familiar)
    Pipipi, or Peep for short, is a familiar in the form of a brown long-eared bat named after a sub species of corvids. When Corvidae was struck by a severe fever that kept them unconscious for nearly a week, Don had acquired the familiar and linked it to Corvidae's soul in order to be able to monitor their stability whenever he couldn't be home. Peep's energy allows Corvidae one free use of magic. [magical, spell battery, 0 harm]
  • Pin of Obfuscation
    The Red Rags require the Pin of Obfuscation in order to remain hidden from Aiden Reeves, Corvidae's employer. Though they didn't really want to join, the odds of surviving fighting multiple gods/god-like entities with only Don seemed very low. Corvidae took the pin and the mantle of a Red Rag even though they don't quite trust the organization and hiding the truth from Aiden brings them a lot of guilt. [magical, hides memories of Red Rags, concealable]
  • Pact Knife
    A knife given to Corvidae by Track the Ripper with the intent on binding their soul to their loyalty to him. Corvidae did not use it, and instead kept it. You never know when you might need to garuntee someone keep their word. [magical, demonic, contractual]
  • Ir'eth's Locket
    A locket recovered from Corvidae's delve into Hell for the Devil's Fiddle. It was possessed by the half-angel Ir'eth, and for some reason it contains a picture of Dionysus. [mundane, picture of Dionysus]
  • Vial of Blood
    Given to them by their magical teacher, Corvidae carries a vial of blood. Using it allows them to summon an elemental that reflects their soul. It currently summons a snake-like creature made of veins with pincer-like teeth as its head. They find it repulsive. [small, concealable, refillable]
  • Don's Cold-Steel Knife
    Don had taken Corvidae onto a romantic ferris wheel ride. There, he proposed to Corvidae with the knife. The proposal was not marriage, but to teach them to be a monster hunter. Corvidae accepted, and Don was thrilled to have them become the first vampire monster hunter (aside from Blade). [cold steel, hand, concealable, 2 harm]
  • Wytchwood Wand
    A wytchwood wand once possessed by Don's mage-combatting sister Daria. Don gifted it to them when attmepting to teach them self defense. [magical, 3 harm, plant manipulation]
  • Hermes' Business Card
    A business card that can be used to call Hermes given to Corvidae by their boss Apollo. It was given as a one-time use to get them out of Hell on their quest should the need have arisen. [magical, contact Hermes anywhere, single use]
  • The Devil's Fiddle
    A fiddle crafted by Satan himself. It is an object meant to sway the minds of those that hear its tune. It is as powerful as its user--if not moreso. It was crafted to corrupt the user in order to disuade its use. Those who use it fall under its spell and struggle to escape the desire to keep using it. [legendary, magical, dangerous, corrupting]

In their debt

Don Mariani

  • Confessed love to him (Intimacy Move)
  • Confessed fears of his mortality while drunk (Intimacy Move)
  • Pushed Corvidae through portal in Hell making them think him dead (Counts as 2 debts)
4 Debts

Eden Hawthorne

  • Stoped Corvidae from taking a vial of The Curse's soul to The Cure
  • Cost Corvidae their Haven
2 Debts


  • Got information from Gilgamesh and became his enemy
1 Debt


  • Helped defeat The Curse and saved them
1 Debt


  • Followed Tommy to see what he's doing
1 Debt


Tavake Latu

  • Helped save Don from the Solar Eclipse
1 Debt

Eden Hawthorne

  • Helped save Don from the Solar Eclipse
1 Debt


  • Lied about knowing Tuk Tuk
1 Debt


  • Blew up a Sigil Stone in Hell he was attempting to use to get us out
1 Debt


  • Promised to provide a glamor if Corvidae's angelic form reappears
1 Debt

Relevant NPCs

Donovan Mariani [ Husband ]

Corvidae hired Don to be their bodyguard when he was trapped as a half-transformed were-rhino. When helping him sort through his deceased sister's stuff, they had found the money she had saved for him to be returned to humanity, and he underwent the procedure. Afterwards, they learned that even as a human their bodyguard was plenty qualified to protect them. Before he had been turned, he had been a monster hunter--one who had killed a god. As a human, Don stayed by their side, even fighting his old friends, for the sake of their safety. Corvidae in turn was willing to sacrifice their own health to heal him and see that he got to enjoy his humanity as long as possible. Soon, they became the most consistent things in each other’s lives and with the high stress and trauma they shared, the pair came to love each other in a few months. Corvidae moved in with him, and Don started teaching them how to better defend themself with his monster hunting skills. Sadly, they had to move not long after into the Red Rags base. Regardless, they have a room all to themselves and seek moments of quiet from the chaos of the lives they lead together. After an instance where Corvidae thought Don was dead followed not much later by Corvidae getting smote and appearing dead themself, the two of them decided to have their souls linked somehow so they could truly know if the other died. The solution they found was a marriage of souls, and though unexpected, Corvidae and Don both confessed that fully linking souls, including in death, was something both of them wanted as they didn't want to live without each other. Thus, they had their shotgun marriage in what looked like a Vegas wedding chapel. Instead of wedding rings, Don and Corvidae got wedding knives at Don's request.

Ione Sterling [ Friend/Co-worker ]

Ione was the sole employee beside the god himself at Apollo's Clinic. When Corvidae got hired, she was the only person to talk to since their boss kept them at arms length. The two of them bonded over the experiences at the clinic and Ione's father not allowing either of them to use their magic while working in his clinic. The two of them ended up being friendly and even went out for drinks. During the time when Apollo was absent, Corvidae tried to comfort Ione, but ended up getting snapped at as having been partially responsible for her father's disappearence. Regardless, Corvidae doesn't blame her and hopes she still thinks of them as friends too.

Apollo [ Boss ]

In seeking a way to eat consistently when hungering for the curse, Corvidae went to Apollo's clinic. He called them on seeing his clinic as a food source instead of helping people and offered to hire them if they would abstain from eating and do the job to just help people. Corvidae, realizing how monstrous they had been, agreed. When needing a way to help more people, Corvidae sought counsel from Apollo on magical instruments after seeing him heal using his lyre. Apollo sent them on a quest into Hell to retrieve the Devil's Fiddle. After returning from the quest, Corvidae went to talk to their benefactor, Gilgamesh: The Cure, and curiously enough, Apollo was there. The god took a magical bullet meant to put Corvidae down, and died himself in their place. After a few weeks of his resurrection seeming to be delayed, Corvidae went to his clinic and gave up a bit of their lifeforce in order to bring their boss back to life.

Hiroshi [ Secret Boss ]

Hiroshi, one of the heads of the Red Rags, found Corvidae and Don when they were in the Knight Market seeking information for Aiden. He questioned them about their activities, but upon learning they were just looking to help Aiden, offered to let them join his organization. Corvidae’s options were to join or face what was framed as memory wiping via a magical item. Not knowing if the magical item actually did what they said, Corvidae chose to join. They didn’t trust their new boss despite his promise to help them with their godly problems. After all, the undead man just added Dionysus, god of wine and madness, to their hit list. Hiroshi attempted to gain their favor by offering to let them stay in the Red Rags base, an offer that Corvidae was forced to take him up on. Slightly at odds and distrustful of each other, Corvidae and Hiroshi tensely work together for now. He had helped them take down Gilgamesh: The Curse, but dragging them to the front lines to fight the now whole Gilgamesh--with added body modifications, isn't exactly endearing them to him either.

Aiden Reeves [ Associate ]

A telepath and fellow user of emotional magicks, Aiden had hired Corvidae and Don to look into his missing brother. Instead of his brother, they found the Red Rags, who used magic specifically to hide from Aiden at the request of his brother. In failing to have been able to supply Aiden with information, Aiden had sought outside help. He learned his brother was with the Red Rags and that Corvidae had known about their existence. Aiden remains bitter, but not hostile due to Corvidae acquiring a magical item he needed to attempt to help his brother.

Damien Finch [ Ex-Client ]

Damien Finch, head of the Telekineticists (what serves as the power company for the city of Chromatica), is a very troubled man. His past weighs heavily on him physically and mentally. He seeks to rectify that as much as he can though–he just needs a little help sometimes. Before or sometimes after his therapy sessions, he would come to Corvidae to have his emotions reduced. When Corvidae lost their job, they stayed in contact with him. As someone with so much power behind him, Corvidae feels fine still offering him services despite the dangers that being around them might pose. That and Damien is just a rather nice man. When they needed employment, he brought them to his friend Aiden out of the kindness of his heart. Corvidae appreciates him quite a bit even if their relationship is primarily professional.

Tuk Tuk [ Friendly Annoyance ]

Around when Don first got his humanity back, Corvidae was made to babysit Tuk Tuk, a pumpkin fae with little concept of water bills or that an oven being left on could burn an apartment down. Fortunately, Corvidae had been spared the majority of watching over the irresponsible, loud, obnoxious sprite by being nearly murdered. Unfortunately, Tuk Tuk found Corvidae when they were possessed by The Cure. He made sure they returned to themself in safety and afterwards revealed that the two of them might have more in common than they once thought. Dionysus was his progenitor, and after the Red Rags asked Corvidae to look for him, they became weary of him. They sent him on his way, but one morning, Tuk Tuk was in the Red Rags base. He sought shelter with Corvidae, but fearing losing their home by harboring what could be an agent of Dionysus, they let Hiroshi take him. Their boss apparently had turned him into some sort of goo contained within a box. Juneau had to use the goo that was once Tuk-Tuk to heal herself, and so now blessedly Corvidae doesn't have to hear him as he can only be heard by her.

Gilgamesh [ Ex-Benefactor ]

Corvidae had been brought to Gilgamesh: The Cure in a dying state. Infected by the curse and bleeding heavily, the primordial being saved them. He took an interest in Corvidae’s ability to select out and consume a portion of the soul and turned them into his vessel–dubbing them Corvidae the Cure. At first, Corvidae thought he had only altered the manner their magic manifested and changed their eternal hunger for emotions into a hunger for the curse, but it was no such luck. In situations of high stress or danger, The Cure’s will overtook their body. After their failure to consume The Curse side of Gilgamesh quickly, The Cure smote Corvidae, leaving them alive with the promise to restore them if they finished what they were meant to do. And they did. Corvidae consumed The Curse, making Gilgamesh whole. Now he plots to make humanity transcend and conquer other worlds, and due to their past connection, it is up to Corvidae to see to his permanent end.

Inti [ Antagonist ]

When they first discovered their magic Corvidae sought a teacher. Unfortunately, they found Inti, a head of a fanatical organization called the Solar Eclipse. He had tried to take their magic from them. When that failed, he sought to have them killed. With Inti being a consistent threat, Don sought to rid Corvidae of him. His assault failed, and Corvidae found themself on a rescue mission facing Inti down. Inti disclosed that he sought to rend their soul piece by piece in order to figure out what made them tick since The Cure had altered them and that he himself worked for The Cure. Despite having the same master, Corvidae and Inti were consistently at odds and both seeking the other’s destruction. Inti even went so far as to step in while Corvidae was attempting to combat The Curse and attack them. He offered a temporary alliance when it was clear he was on the verge of death. Corvidae didn't take him up on the offer and almost succeeded in killing him. Unfortunately, Inti escaped, though now he has lost control over his organization.

Track the Ripper (Jordan) [ Serial Killer/Sugar Daddy ] (Deceased)

Once his target, Corvidae became Track the Ripper’s favorite person, and perhaps the only person that he valued to any degree. Some people mistook them as his romantic partner, and Track certainly wouldn't have complained if that were actually the case. The former were-hyena was once driven to madness by a botched de-monsterification, but was tamed by Corvidae. Corvidae had been selected by some pretty powerful people in the city to be his next victim, only they managed to talk him down. They consumed the madness within him, and regularly kept it in check. As thanks for bringing him back to himself, Track funneled large sums of money into their bank account. Despite the niceties, he still tried to convince Corvidae to turn to violence and exact revenge on the city for all the wrongs it had done the both of them. Corvidae saw to the utter destruction of his soul in place of someone else possessed by Gilgamesh: The Curse in facilitating the transference of possession into Track. With the death of The Curse, Track too was destroyed.

Other Players

Ilya Morenov [ Friend/Ex-Client ]

Ilya is one of the few people that Corvidae would have considered their friend in the city and not just an acquaintance. He had started out as just a client, but his friendly demeanor drew Corvidae into staying in slightly unprofessional contact with him. They’re more inclined to do him favors than they are with most. Currently, Ilya is holding onto the deadly prosthetic that Corvidae first encountered Track with. After giving him it while on opposing sides to a job, Ilya teetered off and broke contact with Corvidae. He’d been missing for a while and Corvidae began to wonder if they were actually friends. Discovering that he'd been lost in a labyrenth beneath Gilgamesh's temple assuaged their doubts about their friend. Though, he did shoot Don (on accient), so they aren't quite sure how much they trust him in a fight yet.

Eden Hawthorne [ Ally ]

Corvidae and Eden had encountered each other a few times, usually with others around. They didn’t get to hang out one on one often, but the times they did hang out things seemed good. They were in the early stages of friendship when Corvidae discovered she was working for The Curse. When Corvidae needed a vial because they thought The Cure was going to be taking over their body or getting rid of them if they continued to fail him, Eden offered violence and even destroyed the item they needed. She became a vessel for The Curse and while she had reached out, Corvidae was cautious and didn’t quite trust her. Regardless, the pair have worked together plenty. She helped them retrieve the Devil's Fiddle from Hell and take down The Curse. Their terms are non-hostile as they have the same objectives at the moment. How they will be in the future once this has all passed is unclear.

Tavake Latu [ Ally/Ex-Client ]

Tavake is a boisterous excitable person, who has started sucking Corvidae into a friendship. She’s thrilled with how Corvidae can consume emotions and wants them to eat her troubles away often. Corvidae is thankful for the help she has provided them in return. However, her more aggressive methods sometimes can be off-putting to the rather passive vampire, and sometimes her closeness to Eden makes them wonder whether or not she would help Eden and The Curse if they sought harm inflicted onto Corvidae. They very much want to be her friend, but feel the need to be cautious with her.

Jueanu Reid [ Ally ]

Juneau and Corvidae haven’t had many interactions. The first time they met she revealed the death of Don’s sister. The second time was in the hospital after she had called for help when Don dragged their bloodied bodies back to Corvidae’s apartment. Things seemed to be alright with her until Corvidae attempted to have her accompany them to meet with one of Don’s old friends who had attacked her. Since then, Juneau had been willing to leave Corvidae and Don out to dry. However, when Eden accidentally almost killed Juneau with a portion of The Curse, Corvidae still went and saved her. Now they work on the same team, but Juneau holds Tuk-Tuk's essence in her body--a fate Corvidae is partially responsible for. How Junuea feels about them is unclear, and Corvidae isn't too sure themself.

Tommy Bahami [ Distrusted ]

Corvidae was tasked by a fae named Laz to follow his friend's older brother to see what he was up to on the suspicion that he wasn't actually acting as a lawyer. That friend's brother happened to be one Tommy Bahami. Tommy noticed Corvidae and Don's following not long into their observation and thought them to be members of a cult there to harass him before a trial. He warded them off. They followed regardless and watched him act as a lawyer for a "god" in a kangaroo court on the steps of a Library. They talked after and established they were just keeping an eye on him for the sake of a concerned party before leaving.

Name Corvidae Brooks
Pronouns They/Them
Age 99
Birthday December 11, 1905
Height 5'6"
Orientation Queer
Ethnicity Black
Species Vampire/Half-Angel
Faction Unaffiliated
Subfaction Red Rags