Ilja Láska



3 years, 1 month ago


ilja láska is dead.

  • about 6ft tall, athletic build
    • hair is messy, but shorter than kaz's
    • wears glasses, almost blind without them
    • lots of light freckles over his nose
    • has a scar from healed piercing near his mouth 
    • hands are scarred from working odd jobs
  • had the ability to animate shadows
    • he could shape them as well as move them
    • it was basically shadow puppetry, but more intricate
    • he mostly used it to entertain his baby brother
  • reckless but kindhearted, rebellious
    • he was studying to be a teacher
    • his recklessness made the mafia in their hometown wary of him
  • always made sure to give kaz something on his name day (march 5th)
    • he knew how important it was for kaz
    • tended to give him silly things (little toys, weird candy, snacks, ect)
  • LOVED holidays
    • esp. ones where the community would gather 
    • he was kind of a partier, when he got the chance

extra bits
  • yakutian laika daemon, domantė
  • pjo - son of hermes
  • pkmn type - dark/ghost
  • pkmn - hisuian zoroark