Lucas Verdez



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Soft dumb ass who like to picks fights with everyone. Not very sociable also very irratable. Has a need to be overly invested/ addicted to new hobbies/ drugs/ and other stimulating things.

Fun Fact

Has a collection of his broken phones (7) pretends to be a harry potter character when he’s bored and the first Human Troll Hunter



Lucas - TrollHunter
Lucas Verdez
Arcadia Oaks, California
17 years old
5'7" (170cm)
games, boba & mushroom pizza
TrollHunter in Training

Variant Human
Sophomore at Arcadia Oaks High
Male - He/Him
Going to class
Let's get weird

Where From


D&D Tales of Arcadia (Homebrew session)

Family & School

Lucas lives with his granny in Arcadia Oaks. His parents are unknown but his mother is mentioned quite often leaving a lasting impression on him. He goes to the local Arcadia Oaks High school, in Lucas's freshman year, with the influence of Samuel, he ends up joining the Occult Society Club. Making a group of friends and making connections with the school nurse,Ukiel. Ocasionally skipping class and sneaking to the nurses office.

Into the World of Magic


On the second day of his junior year, upon walking to school with his friend and neighbor Samuel he ended up finding a glorified pocketwatch in a pile of rocks. Later in the day after a sudden visit from his friend's magic teacher, Hisirdoux, he ends up discovering the pockerwatch he picked up was actually the Amulet of Daylight which the TrollHunter uses with the Sword of Daylight. Later in the group's journey, they make their way to TrollMarket where he further undergoes his training with the mentors Blinky and Arrrrrgh.

Design Details

height: 5'7" (170cm)
eye color: Dark Amber Brown
hair color: Brown & Bleached undercut
class: Duelist Thief
title: TrollHunter
special item: Amulet of Daylight
  • His hair is a dark brown with a lightly bleached undercut
  • Lucas has a dangle sword earring on one of his ears
  • Silver ring bands on both index and middle fingers
  • As the TrollHunter, his amulet/armor/sword can glow blue when equipped


Fun Facts

i love my grandma id commit arson for her

Lucas Verdes very much holds his grandma close to his heart. He sees her as his only connection to knowing his culture and his family background. Lucas would go out of his way to help his grandma in anyway so if it involves helping her over being the troll hunter he would drop it. Since he lives with his grandma he always feel kinda bad about being the troll hunter and leaving her alone for hours on end.

╢School Nurse/Team Mate╟
School nurse, curses and changing forms, my life aint normal but with out ukiel i dont it would ever be.

The older sibling Lucas never knew he wished he had. Lucas doesn't know much about Ukiel since they're an adult and have their own space, which Lucas respects. Ukiel also works at his school so he also undestands that's kinda akward but he doesnt care enough. Ukiel is such important person to Lucas since he doesn't have that many people/adults to trust

╢Team Mate/class Mate╟


╢Team Mate/class Mate╟


╢Team Mate/class Mate╟


╢Team Mate/class Mate╟


╢Team Mate╟
