


3 years, 1 month ago


01 — Profile

Name Damien Azrael Valentine
Nicknames Dami, Kid, Kiddo
Age 21
Gender Male
Height 179cm
Birthdate 7 April ♈︎
Species Cambion Hybrid
Ethnicity Assumed American
Blood type Possibly O+
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Student, freelancer

Status Alive | Taken by Ryo
Designer Sealkitty
Worth My soul (+$50 usd)

Timid Confident
Ignorant Intelligent
Spiteful Kind
Impulsive Calm
Logical Creative
Serious Playful
02 — Personality

Curious . Brave . Friendly . Protective . Observant . Naive . Defiant

Damien started off a bit quiet as a child but quickly began to speak up and socialise with others because he wanted to have friends like everyone else. Though he appears outgoing and carefree, he is still enjoys the small quiet moments in life and alone time. He has a strong sense of justice and feels the need to protect others especially those who cannot defend themselves since he understands how it feels to be alone and helpless.

Because of his love of mysteries, he can be quite observant and will take mental notes of details some might not even notice. However, he is not without mistakes and may say things without thinking on impulse.

He's always been a bit mischievous as a child and doesn't like taking orders especially from those who use aggression. He can occasionally come off a bit immature and rebellious and will usually not listen unless he believes it's for a good reason.


  • Paranormal and crime mysteries

  • Graffiti art and books

  • History, ruins, artifacts and "junk"

  • Burritos, pizza, shakes and soda


  • Bullies, abuse and violent crimes

  • Foggy glasses

  • Headaches and nosebleeds

  • Raw meat/seafood and dried coconut

03 — Background

"Every end is a new beginning."

Damien is the son of a human mother and death god-demon father, however he is not aware of his demonic bloodline since his father disappeared when he was quite young and his mother was presumed dead when he was still a child. In his early life, he was quiet and he felt like he didn't fit in but his mother continuously supported and encouraged him to keep trying. He endured a bit of bullying but eventually found the strength to defend for the sake of others. Since then he became quite outgoing and confident, though a part of him is still introverted.

His mother once also told him that butterflies are an important symbol to their family because it represents the soul and hope. He promised to release butterflies if he were to ever lose her, as it is their family tradition to help send off the departed. He hoped he wouldn't have to do it any time soon but sadly died before he reached middle school. Although they never found her body, she was assumed dead due to the evidence found at the scene. He kept his promise and still carries the butterfly charm she gave him. Upon her passing he inherited a key, a large tome full of supernatural lore and his mother's journals also filled with paranormal information and spells. Damien didn't believe in the supernatural at the time and simply believed his family were writers who loved fantasy. His uncle arranged and attended the funeral but seemed distant and left the next day without any explanation.

Having no other close or known next of kin, Damien went into foster care for about a year or two before his uncle suddenly returned to take custody. He couldn't understand why his uncle left at first and was quite angry about it. His uncle simply told him, "Go ahead and be mad, kid. All I got to say is I couldn't take you with me because I had loose ends to tie and things to sort." Damien spent the next few years living with his uncle. He was a bit wild and reckless in his teens and got told off plenty of times for the trouble he caused or got into. Though they disagree and bicker sometimes, they are still close. They may not be father and son biologically but Damien still considers the man who raised him to be his father.

In present time, Damien is studying criminology and working towards becoming an investigator to help solve cases though he also hopes to help prevent it from happening to begin with. He wishes to travel far and wide uncovering mysteries as well as the ones about his family and himself. He doesn't realise it yet but the seal his mother placed on him since birth has weakened as this particular seal's power fades after the caster has passed. He will get spontaneous headaches and nosebleeds because his powers are beginning to surface however they only seem to be usable when they are needed most.

Every year on his birthday he receives a large sum of money from an anonymous sender. Initially he thought it was from his uncle however he claims he has no idea who sent it but they don't seem to pose any harm. Damien is hesitant to use this money unless absolutely necessary since he wants to find the sender and thank them personally. Incidentally, he also sees flowers at his mother's grave every anniversary of her death as well as her birthday and special occasions but he's never been able to find out who.

He has a huge fascination for mysteries and as time went on he continued to read through everything his family wrote and began to question his belief on the supernatural. He started gathering more information and investigating unsolved crimes and cases, some of which have so few clues they became urban legends. He will occasionally get in trouble with the police for meddling but he can't help himself since he wants to find the truth. One of his goals is to find his biological father, whether he is dead or alive, he still wants to know who he really was and deep down he has a feeling his father is still alive.

04 — Trivia

  • Damien is derived from "Damianos" which came from the Greek word "daman" meaning "to tame" or "subdue". His nickname is pronounced "Dei-mee".

  • Azrael in Hebrew translates to "Angel of God" or "Help from God". In some religions, he is known as the Angel of Death.

  • Valentine is an English name derived from the Latin word “Valentinus” which means “strong, vigourous and healthy.”

  • His artist alias is Reaper.

  • Currently most of his demonic abilities are sealed. His known abilities are Enhanced Strength, Reflexes, Senses, Durability and Regenerative Healing however these only seem to activate when needed most. He also appears to have keen intellect and perception.

  • He was born with blue eyes. His eyes gradually became red after he turned 7.

  • His vision gets blurry with things around 10-20ft away so he usually needs glasses or contacts. However, lately his vision seems to have improved slightly.

  • He gets spontaneous headaches and nosebleeds because his body is still trying to adapt to his demonic blood. Usually carries painkillers and tissues just in case. His nose will bleed when he steps on or gets close to sacred ground.

  • His hobbies are reading, solving puzzles and mysteries, drawing, spray painting, exploring, parkouring, skating and playing games. He has a good understanding of both Astronomy and Astrology, is quite handy with fixing things, can rap and owns a pair of rollerblades.

  • He's fluent in Italian and Spanish; Can read Latin. Knows a bit of German, French, Japanese and Korean.

  • He has a dog named Shadow.

  • Owns a Black Chevrolet Camaro and a motorbike.

  • His favourite insects are butterflies.

  • He has a mild case of Automatonophobia. He mostly dislikes creepy dolls and mannequins.

05 — Moodboard

06 — Relationships

Uncle | Guardian

Lee is Damien's guardian and the younger brother of his mother. At first Damien was mad at him for leaving only to return for custody later but he eventually came to the conclusion his uncle wasn't in a good position to take care of him at the time so he forgave him.

His uncle taught him many things about life and a lot of the knowledge he possesses now. He is grateful to him and although sometimes Lee will scold or bicker with Damien, he is still considered to be his father.

He doesn't like to speak about Damien's father and seems to know more than he leads on.


The two started off as friends who sharing similar hobbies and interests. They like to joke around and tease each other which eventually lead to something more than friendship. [Update later]

Mother (deceased?)

Damien was close to his mother and loved her very much. He is fond of butterflies because they were her favourite. He would describe her as a brave, fun-loving and kind person.

Her death still remains a mystery as her body was never found. She was presumed dead based on the blood and evidence at the scene.


Damien's biological father who has been missing for most of his life.

His whereabouts and status are still unknown.

Childhood friend

Damien's childhood friend who passed away recently. The case is still unsolved and he has vowed to find out the truth so his friend's family can have closure and for his friend's soul to finally be at peace.