


6 years, 10 months ago



Name Gideon
Age 26 (unknown to him)
Birthday 19th of August (unknown to him)
Gender Male
Species Human
Occupation Servant and spy of Duke Titus's bloodline
Theme song Steve Earle & The Dukes (& Duchesses) - Invisible


Height Rather tall
Build Spindly
Skin If visible, then would be very pale, as if it hadn't seen sunlight in years.
Eyes Would be amber-colored, with darker rings around the irises
Hair His hair is straight and it would be auburn in color. Although clean and well-combed it would feel messy to the touch due to being very unevenly cut.
Features His face is long, with a straight nose and prominent cheekbones, the lips being very thin and the jaw hidden by an unevenly cut beard that he keeps under control with a pair of scissors.
Style Outfits inspired by the 17th century - longcoats and cloaks mainly. Most of the clothes he possesses are loose and easy to remove or put on. He's also got two coats, that are a mix between a banyan and a bathrobe - one of them is for personal use, the other one a fancy gift to Duke Titus from a southern friend that Gideon wears when having been summoned to Duke Titus's living quarters. Various costumes to sneak out of the manor and have a poke around the town every once in a while.


About Gideon finds enjoyment in company, but not taking part in it. The man does like an occasional conversation – either with his master or when roaming the streets in disguise, as he feels that it gives him positive feedback of his own continued existence. As long as his low socialization needs are met he’s perfectly comfortable spending the rest of his time people-watching or reading.
He likes watching the nobles and the servantry, take notes, write about their everyday life and care for their troubles - yet as long as the interactions stay entirely one-sided he’ll never be able to see the inhabitants of the manor as anything more than background characters. I would go so far as to say that on a subconcious level the only people he considers ,,people’’ are himself, the duke and possibly the duke’s children. The rest of the world is just obstacles that Gideon has to weave his way through, put there to be observed and used.
Docile to the duke. Does not experience any feelings of friendship or master-apprentice love towards him, but respects the man for the skills he has taught him. Gideon appears to find comfort in serving the duke – it is the only purpose of existence that he can imagine for himself at the moment. Nonetheless he can not force himself to trust the man or be loyal to him due to the duke not revealing how Gideon came to work for him or who Gideon was before.
When interacting with people while wearing one of his disguises Gideon attempts to take on the role of the person he is supposed to be portraying, in speech manner and bodylanguage. Without a disguise to act as a perceived protective barrier he’d be uneasy and meek, though possibly mixing with it some sarcasm if the person he’s conversing with is dislikeable. Very territorial to those few items that he dares to call his own. He’d strongly dislike it if anyone were to come into his attic room, touch his stuff or attempt to read his writings.
Possesses some notions befitting his era, such as believing in the caste system - that nobles have a right to rule over others, that the castes should not be mixed and everyone has their god-given purpose to fulfill. Additionally, despite thinking of women mostly as intellectual equals he still considers them to be the emotionally vulnerable "fairer sex".
Hobbies Writes fictional stories around real people whom he observes on a daily basis. Also reads a lot.
Skills Has re-learned reading and writing. Swordsmanship seems to have come unusually easily for him as well, along with polite manners.
Likes People-watching
Reading, particularily folk tales and knight novels
Summer days
Dislikes Wasps
Dogs, particularily Titus's hunting hounds (they dislike him back)
Being touched, particularily his face.
Winter, cold in general


There isn't much to his backstory, as Gideon can't remember anything that happened more than two years ago. As far as he knows his life began when Duke Titus took him in and gave him a name. As far as Gideon is aware his master, the duke, is the only person who knows of his existence. Gideon is also convinced that his master has information on Gideon's original identity - who he was, how he became unseen like that, what's his real name, whether or not he has a family. The duke rarely answers any questions, but does gently consent with Gideon's theories, hinting that he might tell more about the man's background if he continues to serve his master diligently.

The prospect of learning his original identity fascinates Gideon and is one of the only reasons he hasn't just left the household and gone to look for an alchemist to figure out if his condition is reversible.

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