La Salla



3 years, 1 month ago


La Salla

High King of Ice

An isolated mage living at the fringes of the Court's territory, in the shadow of his enormous ice wall. When monsters descend from the rotted mountains and cities in the north, La Salla is the Courts' first line of offense, and he takes great glee in freezing invaders into decorative statues. Occasionally, an eagle of pristine frost glides to the Court of the Sea, baring news of a creature even he cannot best, and for a brief period, he shares the tundra. But, inevitably, they must return to the Court - and leave him to his devices. So he amuses himself with dancing shapes in the ice and flickers of light through thinning bastion, and walks his lonely patrol with a satisfied hum.


of the Resentful Stars


of the Persevering North Star


Luna Glaciem Comedat Impensa


Glacimpa: His retainer... who died to a monster years and years ago. His corpse, blood and all, is frozen and preserved in the Wall. Salla talks to him sometimes still. He's entertained the idea of necromancy but parasitization is gross, so no.

Gloriana: Salla's loyalty lies with the Court as a whole, not the Empress, but he still respects her. He sees her more of a figure, or a puppet, than a person, and this perception colors his view of her title. Still, not like he ever says as much. 

Fomalhaut: They see each other often, as Foma crosses the Wall to eradicate monsters and to return to the nearest city. Salla thinks he's relatively nice - not particularly interesting, but nice, which is actually quite a compliment coming from him.

Lacus MareHe solved the Egregore problem, so points, and is polite when he visits. And also doesn't visit for long. These are all big pluses in Salla's book.

AureSalla likes presents. He doesn't like being expected to put out. Thankfully he's too far north for Aure to justify visiting often.

Jovia: Outsiders, generally, do not appeal to him. Jovia is pretentious and bossy on top of that. But he doesn't usually stay around long, so Salla doesn't have to pretend to tolerate him for longer than a day or so until the expeditions take off.

Apolune: No tolerance for whiners. Not that he fully understands why Apolune is so upset, anyways.

The Egregore: Salla was the first to meet the Egregore... by nearly getting decapitated. They engaged in a few skirmishes, Salla initially thinking they were a spy from the Mire, before realizing something was up and contacting the Courts. He's happy Lacus solved it, though still a little tense about the friendship.


Hyper-skilled, though primarily in defense. Has full and utter control of ice and frost, and usually resorts to freezing things alive rather than attacking. Can do cool shit like summon blizzards, too. Weak to punches and direct hits, though.

Extremely adept mage. So hyperspecialized that it's painful, but his vast mana pool makes up for it. Most of the time he uses his skills to repair holes in the Wall or reinforce it somehow, and rarely can be assed to do anything else.

He only stays in one spot. He is very very talented at navigation around the Wall's region and knows it like the back of his hand, but he'd be lost outside of it. He also hates the heat, so he's fairly stuck up there. It's chill, he likes it.

You can probably guess that he LOVES making ice sculptures.


 Tarot Deck
Never uses it, doesn't touch it. It's probably half-rotted at the bottom of a lake, anyways.

He's almost never seen without his cloak on, usually with the hood up. In fact, he almost never changes his clothes at all, since they're enchanted to be clean and stain-proof. They are not enchanted to be cold-resistant, though, since he likes it.

 Icicle Flute
What better to spend all his free time on than eerily playing the flute in the ice-cold mountains? Salla is skilled at it, even if he rarely does so in front of visitors. He used to play the violin but lost his instrument in a monster attack.

 A Blizzard A La Fortress
A book of his own penning, the other hobby he has. He records magic and uses of it that he's made up and catalogues experiments he occasionally does. He doesn't plan to ever complete it, but figures it'd be useful to give to another ice mage if he ever dies to a monster.