Sensei (Bao) (Flowershop AU)



3 years, 16 days ago



age 32

gender Male

orientation Bisexual

height 169 cm

build muscular

occupation florist

charm point tsundere


"A maiden's heart stuck in a mafia boss' body."

Bao is a "young" father and the owner of a small local flowershop.

Unfortunately, this old man suffers from "Resting-Angy-Face", keeping his average customer count at a humble number. But if you have a closer look on him, Bao is just like any other parent trying to make a living.

  • His family (Thảo and Ane)
  • Finishing To-Do Lists
  • Quiet afternoons
  • Homemade comfort foods
  • Cat fur stuck on his clothes and plants
  • Plastic cutlery (useless)
  • Getting police called on him because of his looks
  • Entitled people
Design Notes
  • His white manta tattoos are reaching from both ears to his back
  • Eyebrows mostly furrowed
  • Small wrinkles under his eyes
  • His ears and fingers have scars
red string of fate...?

"...Cut the bullshit."

Because that so-called "fate" has brought him not only 2 cheating ex-fiancées and a pair of smoker lungs, but also an appearance that scares most customers away. Somehow, it's only the old chatter boxes and homeless folks loitering infront of his shop that truly stay. Well, the latter hasn't really bothered him that much anyways, since his lovely daughter softens those wrinkles away by simply smiling at him.

"At least you're still here, my little Ane."

A strike of misfortune hit Bao one reuglar work day, when he got a call from the hospital. Ane was involved in a road accident and has fallen under a comatose ever since. There goes his only life jacket, floating away. If fate really existed, he would've cursed it's pure exsitence already.

It seemed as if he was at his lowest. What else is there to hope for? It's not like an angel would just have pity on him and make his life magically better. Right?...

One rainy night, Boa noticed one of his customers sleeping on the sidewalk. He always seemed a little sullen upon visiting the shop, but never bought anything else except one potted plant. Something about this person seemed so familiar to him, yet he couldn't pinpoint what it was. More than a complete stranger, Bao felt as if he had found a close friend collapsed on the ground. Worried that he might find a dead person there the next morning, Bao gently took him in for shelter.

"Stay with me... at least until you're better."

Some years pass and his customer "Thảo" would soon be promoted from "Florist Helper" to "Spouse".


Thảo Spouse | Husband

"Have we met before...?"

Bao coulnd't help but feel weirdly drawn to this man from their first encounter. He brushed it off as a strong feeling of empathy at first, denying anything that had to do with fate. But soon enough, he found himself growing more and more attached to him, as if he's "the one". But Bao being the tsundere he is took a long while before realizing that he has indeed fallen in love.

Starting off as an apprentice helping around in the flowershop, the two eventually got used to their mundane life together, before eventually being engaged.


Ane Daughter

"My little Ane..."

The sweetest, yet most independant child ever to exist. She loves her scary looking Papa the most, since he's been taking care of her from the very beginning. After the road accident, Ane has been in a comatose for 5 months before waking up with a new Papa by her side. She decided to follow her fathers footsteps, not wanting to know who her biological mother is, especially with the new addition to the household.

As of now, Ane is 6 years old and prepping herself to go to school.

"What is it, Thảo?"