Puck the Canadian Lynx



3 years, 4 days ago


Name: Pijee the Canadian Lynx

Meaning: Pijee is a stylization of the Algonquin word for "Lynx" (Pijew)


Species: Canadian Lynx || Spirit/Deity

Age: 8 years old (physically) || 1,000+ years old (spirit)

Height: 84 cm (2.7 feet)

Personality: Careless, Fun-loving and clingy


Pijee is an entity who's life force resides in the Glacier Gem, a crystal capable of controling the seasons through the conscious commands of Pijee. She was once worshiped by the inhabitants of the Northern zones as a symbol of balance and equity. They sculpted her an intricate temple out of ice for her to live in.

However, after a series of particularly harsh winters, the inhabitants of the land became bitter with her and decided that they knew best how to handle the seasons. They attacked her temple with the intention of stealing the Glacier Gem, but she retaliated and resumed her wandering life, swearing to never become close with the mortals ever again. 

In the present, Pijee was reanimated, having no memories of her former life. She learned from the two that the Glacier Gem had been broken, then repaired, leading to her reincarnation. 

As a child, Pijee is naive and fun-loving. She is clingy and energetic. Although she is curious about her past, Pijee is careless and would much rather play games with her friends than sit through a long explaination of things that don't affect her right now.