Effervescent Lafayetta Thatche



3 years, 1 day ago


Name: Effervescent Lafayetta Thatcher


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual? Maybe?

Race: Human

Other names: Effie



Likes: Puns

Dislikes: Crowds

Positive Traits:

Negative Traits: Extremely shy

Hobbies: Building and Fixing computers old and new. Has a business doing such things.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality Type

Is really shy and doesn't say much to strangers, but sorta opens up around her friends, and secretly loves puns.


Occupation: Computer repair

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Tacos and burritos.  Americanized mexican food. Doesn't mind spicy.

Favorite Possession: a stuffed fox and a quilted blanket with foxes all over it.

Favorite Animal: Fox




She graduated high school with an associates degree through concurrent enrollment classes, and is currently taking all sorts of computer courses and is nearly at the end of her bachelor's degree.  she's not sure if she's gonna go on with schooling, but obviously both her parents want her to.



Mom: Unknown (English Professor)

Dad: Unknown (Historian)

Relationships: None

Pets: She has a fish tank with an axolotl




Most embarrassing moment. The time her 'friend' convinced her that she should enter the talent show with her bass guitar. Hyped her up, convinced her it would be a great idea to play a bass line over a prerecorded drum/guitar track or something.  But then replaced the track with fart noises and stuff.  She was laughed off the stage, and hasn't touched any instrument since.

First love. The first time was one of her teachers.  He was sorta nerdy, but charismatic and really kind.  He would give genuine compliments to everyone on their work or about them.  And everyone sort of had a crush on the guy, but she was just enamored.  This would be sometime in jr high. He taught english, with a focus on creative writing.
Second time was a jock, who was also pretty nice to everyone.  but he was laughing along with the other kids during the talent show, and that also broke her heart.  She now sticks to reading fan fiction about love.

Her biggest regret. Not reaching out to another kid who was being picked on and laughed at.  But she was too shy and too afraid to be picked on as well that she didn't want to get involved.