Adam Fox



2 years, 11 months ago



Name Adam Fox
Age 36
Gender Male
Resides Eastern United States
Height 1,86m
Build Brawny, overweight
Sexuality Bisexual
Nationality north american

Character Notes 

   ✦ He usually wears the red shirt with rolled up sleeves, dark jeans and brown cowboy boots.
  • He adores horses.
  • Usually stinky. If he can avoid water, he will.
  • Has  four gold teeth which replace the ones he lost during bar fights. Of  course he didn't get those gold teeth in a legal way. He sometimes loses  them. The rest of his teeth look like trash.
  • He hates anything related with cold. Cold water, cold places, cold weather, snow... He's a summer man.
  • Good at enduring pain. Even if it's a friend who hits him, he will return the hit with double strength.
  • Doesn’t smile nor talk much. He's tough, honest, rather unexpressive. Has a grey sense of morality and is usually not in a good mood until he can drink, however he almost never complains about anything.
  • He plays acoustic guitar and banjo and sings very well, but never does it when he’s in company, unless he's very drunk or with someone he trusts a lot.
  • He can't read nor write.
  • Gets bored easily, that's why he doesn't like hunting nor fishing.
  • ✦  His cheek scar was made by Ilya
  • He prefers using his fists rather than guns, but he always goes around with his trusty rifle.
  • Has almost permanent sun burn in face and arms.
  • Almost always frowning. Not a friendly-looking guy.
  • Brawling is one of his favourite hobbies. He will look for the slightest opportunity to hit someone's face. He's the kind of man who starts bar fights.
  • Alcoholic since 31 yo, which explains his red nose and cheeks. He also smokes a lot everyday.
  • He's terrible at solving problems, but that's balanced with his good sense of direction.
  • Even if he doesn't know how to read (and doesn't want to learn), he likes listening to stories. 
  • Hates tarot cards since a conversation he had with his friend Mik.
  • Buy him a whiskey and he'll be your friend. 
  • His provisions are just cigarettes, alcohol and chunks of roasted meat he keeps in his pockets.



Adam is the son of poor farmers who never had access to school, but his older brother, Louis, managed to go to a couple of years to school as things were going better by that time. 

They had the same plans for Adam, but Louis died in a horse accident when he was 17, and Adam was only 8 years old when that happened. This was devastating for him and his family. Louis and the horse weren't only members of the family, Louis also provided resources and money for the farm and that horse was the only one they had, so they became poor quickly. Due to this and also his parents' depression and need of having Adam close, he didn't go to school and never managed to learn. 

He left the farm at 30 years old, when his mother died of old age some years after his father did. He couldn't afford running it by himself and didn't have any money to hire anyone nor buy more animals, so he decided to leave and search for a job in North America. 

During the first months he made the mistake of starting to spend almost all the money he earned (mostly illegaly) in alcohol, which soon turned him into an alcoholic and an aggresive man that would fight anyone. However, he had some luck and ended up becoming a bounty hunter after some months of surviving by looting corpses, stealing and doing little and boring jobs. It was in one of his mid days of bounty hunting where he met his current friend Mik, a young boy searched by the law, and now by Adam too to earn a big bounty. After some problems involving rival bounty hunters and explosions, Adam lost his rented horse and was forced to cooperate with Mik so they would both survive in the desert, so in the end they ended up becoming friends after they reached a ghost town carried away by disease.

Some months were enough for Adam and Mik to become close friends, but soon after they met an eccentric scammer magician called Daniel who joined them promising high amounts of money in exchange of some protection from them in return. Things didn't end well due to Daniel betraying them as soon as he felt threatened by some thughs, and after trying to sell Mik to some bounty hunters, Adam supposedly Daniel's life (not certain if he survived or not). 

This tense moment was enough for both of them to split their paths for some time, which leaded to Adam making his life way worse. He was all day in saloons, drinking night and day, spending the money he earned while he was with Daniel. At some point he got involved in a fight with an important man from a town, and he ended up in prison. He was supposed to stay for more than a year, but Mik returned some months later and bribed the guards. Their friendship was restored quickly, and they began to spend many days together again. At some point they met Ilya, a weird man whose life was in danger due to a pack of wolves. Mik and Adam decided to save him, and Ilya joined them.