Finnegan Prince



2 years, 11 months ago



Finnegan Prince +
Male -
35 years old +
Archangel -
He / HIm +
5'8 -
November 1st +


  • Sweet treats / drinks
  • Romance novels / movies
  • Husband and son
  • Red wine and cheese


  • Heat and humidity
  • Mess or clutter
  • Having pressure put on him
  • Spicy foods

Background / Personality

Born in 1986, Finn was put into the care of a local church his dead mother once worked at as a nun with no father in sight. At a young age, he was conditioned to be the ideal Christian boy growing up in the boarding school. For his many years in the school and church, Finn and his twin sister were raised by Father Fletcher who never officially adopted the two. For many years, Finn had learned the "ways of god" and how an angelic being should lay down their life for him. He had studied to become a priest for the church during his years in schooling until he left in 2004. 

Eventually, Finn met up with a woman by the name of Melanie Williams who had previously lived in the sister boarder school in 2005 who soon became his fiancé with wishes from the church. Fortunately around this time, he had found a friend within a man named Casper Prince who Finn took a strange liking to, finally having a friend to talk to during his times of need However, years after meeting Casper, Finn questioned his sexuality and his whole personhood before his wedding. Long story short, Finn ran away from his own wedding in 2009 with Casper as he released he has suppressed his real identity for so long.

Soon after, upon finding out his lover was in fact a demon, Finn returned to his old ways and pleaded for mercy from Father Fletcher. While being punished severely, he was accidentally killed by the same man who raised him. But with the revival and reincarnation of his mortal being gifted to him by his goddess, he was given the opportunity to live as a full blooded angel on earth. Of course, Finn took this with stride and ran away with his boyfriend where they moved out of London into a more quiet little town. During this time, Finn also decided to go study to become a lawyer, having to grow through the process of finding once hidden documents from his "father" who was still agro towards his "son". 

Around 2011, they adopted a six year old child named Sebastian who Finn immediately felt a strong connection with. However, he assisted in helping his husband form a similar connection to their son. Now with the job of his dreams and a family who he can take care of, nothing can go wrong right?

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Finn's current husband, a Demonic Entity whom he lives with as they raise their son.

seBastian PrinceAdopted son

Finn and Casper's first adopted son, taking him in when he was 6 years old.

Kate FlEtcherTwin sister

Finn's only sister who grew up with him for the better part of 18 years.