


6 years, 9 months ago


  • Age Older than Earth (immortal, appears ~17)
  • Gender Male (he/him)
  • Birthday June 18 / Prairial 30
  • Height 170 cm / 5'7"
  • MBTI ISFJ - “The Protector”
  • Alignment Lawful Good - “The Saint”
  • Occupation delivery boy & helper angel
  • Handedness Right-handed
  • Orientation Aromantic Ace
  • Weapon replica of michel's sword
  • music Battle 1 + The Fellowship + Within + Emerald Sword
“The Prince of Angels' Copycat”
❝ Je ne vois pas comment quelqu'un pourrait ne pas aimer le prince Michel. L'idée même me dépasse. Après ce qu'il a fait pour nous, il mérite au minimum un respect infini. ❞
― Sezunel Hafaza

Sezunel is an angel with one obsession: be like his hero.

The main thing one should remember about Sezunel is that he is a great admirer of a particularly famous warrior archangel, the Great Prince Michel. (One day he met him by chance and oh boy oh boy he couldn't talk he just cried— they've also taken a picture together and now it's one of Sezunel's most precious belongings) He aspires to be like him, courageous and strong, and has actually shaped his very personality and lifestyle around his idol.

Sezunel is also known for being stern. Quick to anger, he can hurt people when irritated, for example by hitting them so they stop doing the very thing that made him angry. Still, he tries to do good, and has high morals. He is often found daydreaming about knight stories.
In Heaven, Sezunel is often working odd jobs pertaining to delivering. Because of that, he knows Ethaniel quite well; their relationship could be likened to friendly rivals.
His reputation of being hard-working and loyal also makes him appreciated by Raziel. However, his love for the figure of Prince Michel makes him at odds with Harahel, a dissident angel.

Birds, especially sparrows, are attracted to his aura. Yet, he doesn’t like having physical contact with them and will actively try to avoid it.

Being an angel working under Prince Raphaël (to his dismay, obviously— he would do anything to be able to work under Prince Michel instead), Sezunel can mend small physical injuries such as cuts and bruises. He also has the power to read humans’ hearts. Sezunel casually talks about people's hidden feelings and the deepest secrets of their souls, but gets easily embarrassed when his friends start to mention his own emotions. The heart stitched to his clothes is a taboo topic for him as well; he hides it with his arms and hands when people notice it.
Overall, Sezunel isn’t very happy with the powers he has; he would have preferred more combat-oriented abilities.

Speaking of combat, Sezunel did take part in the Great Angelic War, which opposed the forces of Heaven to the rebel Prince Heylel. While he was technically conscripted into Prince Michel’s army, Sezunel didn’t saw his participation to the war as an obligation, but rather as an opportunity. Sadly, he was far from being the best in combat, as he lacked experience. While he obviously doesn't hope a war will happen again, he still wishes he could get a second chance to prove his worth.
Nowadays, Sezunel is still an average fighter, although he strives to get better.

It is also worth mentioning that Sezunel was diagnosed autistic by Prince Raphaël; because he is uncomfortable being "different", this is a fairly sensitive subject for him and he would never discuss it unless asked first. That's also one of the reasons why he always tries to keep a cool and mature look around others. Over the years, he has become an expert when it comes to masking, and most people would dismiss his most apparent autistic traits as timidity or coldness.

At the start of the events of Flying Popcorn, Sezunel has been volunteering to become a helper angel, a position meant to replace guardian angels, now considered obsolete. The main difference is that as opposed to guardian angels, helper angels aren’t assigned to a particular human at birth, and don’t have to stay by their side day and night. However, being attached to tradition and the image he has of what a good angel should be, Sezunel wants to act like a guardian angel in the most traditional sense, although it isn’t officially his job.
Sezunel ended up being the very dedicated and productive helper angel of Manari Sue, and thus the associate of Norith, a helper demon. Thanks to Manari, he discovered the marvelous universe of video games; his favourite game series is The Adventures of Prince Eli, which is not big of a surprise, knowing his other interests. On the other hand, he doesn’t really appreciate Norith’s company, due to her being a demon; he tries to look tougher than he is around her.


theme by vom