


6 years, 9 months ago



human • 30 y.o • 193CM

Arlo is a wizard that travels from land to land, country to country, wherever his whims and curiosity tell him to go. He frequently visits adventurer guilds in the places he happens to be in, taking on various requests to earn money. He has a friendly and relaxed attitude, but he's also a shameless flirt most of the time, which often ticks people off. 

His broom is sentient--her name is Olivia. Olivia doesn't talk (because she's, again, a broom), but Arlo can somehow understand her (or maybe he's just delusional) and likes to have conversations with her, so he always seems sort of kooky.

【 Name 】Arlo
【 Age 】28
【 Gender 】Male
【 Height 】193cm
【 Weight 】92kg
【 Race 】Human

General Description

Arlo is an eccentric but relaxed wizard. He's a traveler, or, in his own words, an adventurer. He's always off in his own pace and no one really knows what he's thinking, so he often comes across as a shady guy--he's not very popular in the guild he hangs around in. The fact that he's a huge flirt doesn't help matters.

⚠️ This bio is outdated. A more up-to-date, complete bio is hereIt's made for Vermeil's Labyrinth RP by Sunye.

Info Chunks

  • His broom is sentient--her name is Olivia. She has an affinity to fire, so her magic is fire based and she's fireproof although she's made of wood. With Olivia, Arlo can specifically use fire magic like fireballs and the like. Arlo can call on Olivia with a certain whistle. These two are inseparable, Arlo likes to have conversations with Olivia (who is a broom that doesn't talk, so he sort of looks mental every time) and he treats her like a person. Contrary to popular trend, Olivia can fly, but not with Arlo on top. Olivia doesn't allow Arlo to fly on her. The ribbon thing on Olivia is actually her own request because she wanted to be pretty too--Arlo never lives it down. Olivia gets angry at Arlo sometimes and when she does, she doesn't cooperate with him.
  • Other than the fire based magic using Olivia, Arlo is capable of other magic without the broom. No one really knows what kind of magic he really does, but his feats includes inducing shockwaves with whistles, turning stones into golem, making things move on their own, etc. He never answers directly when asked about his magic.
  • He keeps a ratty travel journal where he keeps all memorable things a la Nathan Drake (but with less graceful drawings).
  • Beneath that weird poncho, Arlo is pretty built. He's physically strong and is an experienced fighter, unlike usual magic users. Turns out, he was a knight before he learned magic and became a mage.
  • He's very fond of history, culture, and philosophy. His magic actually revolves around the things he likes to read, like a specific culture's magic practices, voodoo, etc. He's very knowledgeable about that kind of thing. He's also surprisingly wise, but no one takes him seriously.
  • When asked where he's from, he just answers that he's from the far, wild west.
  • He's a member of the local guild, but everyone's kinda wary of him because of his whole shady aura. He's also really tall so people get scared because he looks like a giant walking scarecrow.
  • He has this oral fixation. If he's not chewing on grass, candy or whatever, he has a cigar or a pipe in his mouth.
  • No one really knows about his sexual orientation. He's probably after anything alive and cute in his standards. When asked about it, he makes suggestive jokes instead or say stuff like "Wanna come with me and find out? ;^)"

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