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I'm having trouble using the school uniform and hero costume tabs. I see the link to add a uniform but I don't see the link to add in my OC's costume. 

Can anyone help me to add it in myself?

Hello! It's snopsis and relationships tabs they aren’t working...

Yeah, I believe they're slowly going to edit it in? I remember reading that somewhere!

Oh... Look don't there Synopsis and Relationship, there said "Invalid user"

Using! Thanks so much!

where can i get the HTML code?

I’m planning on using this later but I’m having a use of with synopsis and relationships tabs they aren’t working 

using! Thank you so much for making this.

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Thank you for making this! I will be using it for my character!

Hey, I'm going to be using this template for my character!

Also, I wanted to let you know that the synopsis and relationships are links, not tabs so you could possibly fix it unless you made them links intentionally. 

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Do you have a code for this? :c

AAAA Sorry!!! idk why I kept not getting notifs for comments ASDFG but anyway, yes!! All my HTML wiki profiles are in this thread!