


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Wyrmecophaga "Wyrm"






Dreameater; otherworldly thing that resembles giant anteater


Wyrm is a dreameater, a little bit vile creature that feeds from the positive energy of good dreams and transforms them into nightmares in the process. She's not exactly a villainous creature, though, and certainly not someone who's ill-willed towards others. What she does se does simply for staying alive, and the nightmares she makes happen usually come with some sort of meaning; they try to lead their seer, to teach them and give them different perspective into seeing things. In the end the succesfullness of the learning part of course depends on the dreamer, but at least Wyrm tries, right? Even though it can't always be said that Wyrm's goals are the purest and most virtuous of them all - her kind is known for their tendency to trickery - she never torments her so-called victims just for a spite.

Being a creature of nightmares, Wyrm's appearance is never the same, much like dreams are always different. She has some traits that stay from time to time, but nevertheless her looks vary quite a lot. The always staying traits are her tongue, which is black, long and sharp at the tip; she has some sort of feather-like appendages in between her shoulders and neck area; sort of pouch in her throat (in which she stocks the dream-energy she feeds on if she isn't hungry at the moment). Her colours and patterns of fur vary a lot, but she always has thick, black stripe going over her chest to both sides. Wyrm's anatomy is overall that of a giant anteater, but she usually possesses some features that aren't totally anteater; for example, her paws are somewhat hand-like, her hind legs are built sorta canine-like and she has tufts of longer fur in places normal anteaters don't.

Random facts

  • Her whole name, Wyrmecophaga, is gotten from giant anteaters latin name by just switching the M of Myrmecophaga to W.
  • Even though Wyrm creates nightmares, I felt important to not make her cruel or sadistic or overall villainous creature. Nightmares are vile, but there is good side to everything unpleasant. Fear is an extremely important feeling.
  • I love giant anteaters. That's the main reason Wyrm exists.