bought & using!!

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Brought/using <3

using for a story between my characters and that of friends. loving the way it works <3

bought this for another user !!(molotovcocktqilz)

Using! Thanks a bunch <3

Would this code work on a normal character profile or does it have to be a world?

The code is just HTML, it will work wherever you prefer to use it (world, folder, user profile, character profile, forum post etc), it's just designed for worlds in mind.

What would the best way to add in additional characters on the cast page be? I tried this out by copy/pasting the character tabs and changing the appropriate info but it seemed to mess up a few small formatting things for me 

specifically the spacing between the old group of characters and new, seems to be missing, can be found between characters rebel and auden

just wondering if theres an easier/better way than what i tried!

Looks like you copied a second row into the parent row, from what I can tell. Either move it outside of the second row, or instead, just copy the columns you need inside the parent row.

I tried your suggestion and unfortunately it didnt resolve the spacing issue   

make sure that "mb-3" is added the class of the row that belongs to the one above where there is no gap.

The div class is exactly the same for the rows above and below as its directly copy pasted from the beginning of the segment to the end (<!-- CHARACTER #  --> to </div></div>). If you meant something else please let me know. I copied directly fromt he 3rd & 4th characters of the code, and the only things edited are names and images so I dont think anything is missing


You're missing a </div> at the end of the fourth character's row, add it back in  right above the start of the new character's row and see if it works as normal!

3 Replies

Bought/downloaded the code so I'll be using it soon! If I remember I'll come back and respond to my comment with a link.

I just bought this code, and it doesn't display at all? It's a wonderful code, and I'd love to use it :)

I'm not sure why it wouldn't be displaying, if you can show me the page you've used it on I can try to help figure out why it isn't working.

hey the info section on the front page is a little messed up! i figured out a temporary fix for it but it might be good to edit that. it currently makes all of the text run off to the side of the page.
in the code, directly below "overview info" it says;

<h1 class="display-4 mt-2" style="letter-spacing:1.5px; font-variant:small-caps; color:#333; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;">Info</h1><div class="row text-left flex-column no-gutters" style="font-size: 1.15em; letter-spacing:.5px; font-variant:small-caps; line-height:35px;">

the bolded area appears to be the problem. i replaced it with "row justify-content-between" and it worked.
thank you for your hard work on this code, i adore how in-depth it is and will enjoy using it for my story. :] 

Thanks for the fix suggestion! I will try to get that updated in the file ASAP!

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Hi!! I've bought this code and would love to use it for a story project of mine, but the "INFO" section seems to be messed up and I can't get it to display right. Do you know how this could be fixed?

Ooh yeah, looks like the info panel is making a run for it!

Same for me; it works just fine on mobile but the desktop version is a little messed up! I hope that can be fixed soon because I don't know how to edit HTML on my own 😭

here's a fix i discovered!

Oh thank you so much for finding a fix!

this code looks so nice, i love how you keep this sorta aesthetic on your stuff... i'll definitely be using it!

Thank you! Glad to know it will be of use c: