John Smith



2 years, 10 months ago



art by @Evil-Penguinz

John Smith

A devoted priest turned revenge-thirsty man full of rage and sorrow. Driven to near insanity by the very god he believed in.


"I believed that if I gave up everything to serve God, he would protect the good, the weak, and the worthy. I was wrong."

Born as Alexander Locke, he was once a very kind and patient man. Very devoted to his priesthood, he even left the girl he loved more than anything in the world behind to pursue his dream. If only his god was as kind as he believed her to be.

In a cruel twist of fate, the girl he sought to protect died a tragic death. Now alone, he turned to God to seek answers on how he could let this happen. When no answers came, he realized that he had been abandoned by the God he gave up everything for.

Not long after revoking his beliefs and cursing the God he trusted so dearly, he began to dream of the girl he once lost. She came to him in his dreams, begging for revenge on the god that killed her. He agreed to help her, and was thrown into a new world... with his only instructions being to find the center of the world... and make sure she suffers. Though the quest was vague, he would do anything his love asked.


  • Books
  • Moonlight
  • Stained Glass


  • Horses
  • Darkness
  • Fire


  • John is a vegatarian.
  • His birthday is 9/15
  • He was particularly fond of fairytales as a child.

art by Toasty-Kappa


"I simply wish for others to be happy. Even if I've only known sorrow, I truly hope for peace."

John is a very complicated man. He used to be a kind, considerate man that devoted his life to the betterment of the world. Serving his god was supposed to make the people around him happy and safe, so he did it happily. He lived alone doing nothing but praying for the safety of the people he loved, even giving up the chance to be with the girl he loved most in the world to devote all his time to his god.

So when the girl he loved most was married off and then killed by her husband, John changed. The once reasonable and patient man became unstable, irritable. He lost all compassion for others, and began to only care about himself and his own goals. You could even call the new him sadistic, as he seemed to enjoy inflicting pain onto others after spending so long praying for their happiness. Truly a broken man.


  • Intelegent
  • Hard-working
  • Loyal


  • Narrow minded
  • Self-serving
  • Weak willed


  • Reading
  • Sword fighting
  • Traveling


  • Ginger Tea
  • Cornflowers
  • Fantasy stories
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent

art by Toasty-Kappa


  • Hair Color Ginger red
  • Eye Color Ocean blue
  • Skin Color White
  • Height 5'11"
  • Clothing Style Well dressed, not quite formal
  • Skinny Large
  • Short Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. And while I know the hate in my heart will burn for eternity, I also know I will never love again."

John is a slightly taller man with broad shoulders and a thin waist. He has short red hair, though as he grows older he lets it get longer. He doesn't have much facial hair, but he does have sideburns. His posture is clean and his movements delicate and smooth His body is toned, as he trains with his sword everyday. As a young man his muscles are pretty small, but he gets a lot stronger as he gets older and trains harder. He loses his right eye in the war

After he is reborn, his hair is dark brown, but his eyes remain blue. He also retains his sideburns. Although being reborn had fixed his lost eye, he lost the very same one when he was in his 3rd world.

Design Notes

  • His sideburns go down to his jaw
  • He has deep and dark circles under his eyes. They never go away.
  • When he has red hair, it gets darker closer to the bottom. The reverse is true with his brown hair, where it is darker towards the roots and gets lighter.
Click for Reference

art by @Toast-Kappa



art by Toasty-Kappa

Meredith: Childhood Friend

Meredith is a beautiful princess, daughter of the king that gave him shelter after his family was killed. She was his childhood playmate and best friend. She encouraged him to pursue his dreams of becoming a priest, even though it was risky. She is his light, and he loves her with all his heart.


art by Toasty-Kappa

Draco: "Savior"

Draco is an idiotic king who is more concerned with his love life than taking care of his people. He became attached to John after he proved his strength in the war that Draco started himself. Though John can't really stand him, he is thankful for Draco's assisstance.


art by Toasty-Kappa

Shin: Fellow Soldier

Shin was another soldier in his platoon, one that he got particularly close to. He, his wife, and John made a very good team... at least, until John saw a good oppurtunity to get ahead of everyone.. and his actions caused the death of everyone in the group. Though Shin lived, he never forgave John for his betrayal.


art by Toasty-Kappa

Yumei: Student

Yumei is a student of his in his 3rd world. She is a young witch that is trying to figure out her powers, and he takes it upon himself to "help" her. He is a mentor to her, despite not really having her best interest in mind. They got along well despite this.


art by Toasty-Kappa

Elise: Client

Elise is a student at the school he works for in his 4th world. She is a kind and energetic young girl, juggling being a student and a magical girl. He is supposed to sabotage her, he can never seem to get in her way. She reminds him of someone...


art by Toasty-Kappa

Aeron: God

Aeron is the God that John served when he was a priest. She is a cruel and sadistic God that loves to mess with her subjects. She picks on John especially since he was so devoted to her. Now he is fighting against her... or is he?



art by Toasty-Kappa

The story starts when John was just a young boy. He was born to a family of religious devotees, of a religion much despised by the public. It was a tough life, but John was very loved by his family, and by his God. Even the royal family gave his family special treatment and shelter. But their good fortune could only go so far. John's family was killed in a fire, largely suspected to be an arson. John was taken in by the royal family due to his families close ties, but John still feared the public and their opinion of him and what he believed in.

But with the support of the princess, his best friend, John was able to get over his fears and start to study to become the priest he had always wanted to be. Life from there was farily easy. With the protection from God, and the royal family, John was able to study in peace and chase after his dreams. In the process he had to let go of his personal feelings for his childhood friend, but it was okay since in the end, his prayers would make her happy. At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

Suddenly, his world came crashing down. Not only did his childhood friend's sister go missing, but she herself was sent off to replace the missing sister in an arranged marriage. John was worried, but prayed for her safety. His prayers were not answered. Years after she left, word came that she had died at the very hands of the man she was forced to marry. The news crushed John. He had done nothing but serve his God and pray for her safety, and yet she ended up dead. He couldn't understand how his God could do this to him. He prayed for answers but got nothing. Months passed and he heard nothing from the God he gave up everything to serve and devote himself to. He had been abandoned, after everything he did. Everything he lost and for what? John was sent into a spiral of anger and despair. He gave up his devotion, abandoned the church and went into hiding. He couldn't stand to be reminided of the mistakes he made.

Everything changed one night. Most night he could barely sleep, haunted by his memories and regrets. But this night, he finally fell to sleep... and dreamed of her. His childhood friend whom he loved. Though he initially dismissed the dream as just that, but her pleading got his attention. He called to him, and begged him for revenge. She was angry at the God for letting her die... and she wanted him to avenge her. He told her he would do anything for her, but he wasn't sure how he could possibly go against a God. She told him she would give him the ability.. She would guide him and help him through, give him abilities he never thought were possible. When he awoke, he was in another world entirely.

World Jumping

At first, John found himself lost. His only objective was to find the center of the world and "sabotage her", which made no sense to him. In the new world, he was in the middle of a war, between beings that weren't human. Angels and demons, they were called. He thought himself dead, surely, but he believed that Meredith's love for him protected him. He found that he had been placed on the demon side, and that angel magic had no affect on him. This fact alone made him much stronger than he knew. He went up the ranks, and eventually impressed the demon king so much that he was invited to spend his days by the king's side once the war was done. The king was so fond of him, once he found out he was a human the king tried to put his soul into a demon body. Though it failed, John was "reborn" and turned into a child once again. Using his new young body, he was able to fully realize what his job was to be. In this world, two "centers" existed, a Nephilim and a posessed human. Both young girls caught between the two sides. They, like Meredith, were trying their best to heal the world and save it from itself in their own way. John did his best to get in their way, and in the end both girls perished. A third "center" was found 15 years later, a young demon who stood against their family for the sake of the oppressed. John also got in their way, deciving and taking away their lover. In the end, they also perished.

After the third "center" died, John fell asleep once more and was congadulated by his love. When he awoke, he found himself in a new world. Filled with witches and monsters, John set out to find the new "center". He found her after 18 years, a young witch struggling with her identity. He became her mentor, closer than he'd ever been to a "center" before, and advised her. In the end, she and everyone she longed to protect also perished. Despite his closeness, he felt no sorrow. Instead, he was glad that others felt the same pain he had.

Present Day


art by Toasty-Kappa

After the fourth "center" had perished, he was brought to another world. He waited another 15 years before he was able to find another "center", this time a bright and evergetic girl that assumes a magical identity in the evenings and fights evil. She reminds him of a young Meredith, but he ignores his nostalgia to do his job of sabotage. He has become her counselor, with the intention of giving her faulty advice.

As time goes on and he grows closer to this girl and her friends, he finds it harder and ahrder to do his job. Why? Because she is so much like his childhood friend and love? That can't be it. Something about this world feels off, and he isn't sure what to do. He continues to do what he is told by Meredith but... it feels wrong.



art by @EToasty-Kappa


art by Toasty-Kappa


art by Toasty-Kappa


art by Toasty-Kappa


art by Toasty-Kappa


art by Toasty-Kappa

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