Nicolás Loupohl



6 years, 9 months ago


A handsome, popular man surrounded by friends. You'll find him either talking with large groups or bullying some sad loser. But his biggest secrets?
He's an incubus.
And he's the biggest weeaboo nobody has ever seen.

Nicolas's father was once possessed by the Sin Lust and slept with a woman that later had their son. He's not part Sin, but he isn't human, either- Well, he's half human, the other half is incubus. You wouldn't think that if you saw him during his pre-teen years, though. Nicolas was attacked by acne, he was slightly chubby, had greasy hair, braces, and even had to carry an inhaler around for asthma. The icing on the cake? He adored anime. If you stepped into his room you'd immediately be greeted with the sight of bookshelves filled with manga collections and figurines, posters covering every inch of his room, and several body pillows with different anime characters littering his bed.
But then puberty hit and Nicolas turned into a god. He slimmed down and even gained muscles thanks to metabolism, and he even got taller. His braces came off and the acne cleared away. By the time he entered high school, he was sought after by everyone, and he loved it. He loved the newfound glory and admiration, so he decided to pretend to not like anime. Of course, he only did it at school. Once it was over he rejected all invitations to hang out and party, and would instead hurry home to visit his many waifus and watch the latest episode of whatever anime was on.

Now in college, Nicolas studies art, wanting to be able to professionally make mangas and web-comics. Unfortunately, his incubus looks are now TOO good, as every chance he tries to go home ends with another art student begging him to model for them. With his fear of his love for anime being revealed, he continues to play the cool card and agrees to model, be it photography, outfit designs, or paintings.
An aspiring artist, and an accidental model.


Full Name: Nicolás Carlos Loupohl

Nicknames: Nic

Age: 20

BirthdayFebuary 5

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair/Eye Color: Purple/Gold

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 170 Ibs

Personality: Both in high school and now in college, Nicolas is always swarmed with people thanks to his inviting aura. He's cool, he's mysterious, he's awesome, he's the popular guy you want to be around.
And he has a love-hate relationship with that.
He adores the attention and validation, it makes him feel good! But not being able to do what he really wants can be exhausting and tiring.
During the times he can be alone, he's a lot dorkier than you'd think. The man obsesses over anime and fixates on it every chance he can. The only thing as powerful as that is his paranoia that he'll get caught.

- Healing Kiss - If injured, intimacy will allow Nicolas to gain health from the other person. That person will feel weak and lightheaded, but nothing fatal will come of it. The more intense the intimacy, the better the healing (a kiss will heal cuts but the electric boogaloo will heal nearly fatal wounds).
- Soulful Bite - Almost like a vampire, Nicolas can bite his opponent's neck and consume not their blood but their soul. Only capable of doing this when he's at a flight-or-fight moment. Otherwise he doesn't know how to do it.

Drawing Details: Important aspects of his design are: his purple hair, tan skin, and golden eyes. Those marks on the side of his face, the two black lines, are because the original avatar reference I made for him on gaia online automatically added that in for his hair item. You can keep them in or not, I'll probably say it's an incubus thing for convenience.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- His father at the time, who he grew up with, is gay. The man he was with at the time was a lawyer, hence the last name of Loupohl [May change].

- He knows Spanish.

- He has never met his birth mother.

- Because of how long he's spent with anime, he doesn't get urges like incubi do.

- There are times when his incubus blood will occupy more than there is human blood. You can tell by the black lines along Nic's chin and/or his eyes turning red. It typically happens at least once a month, and it just makes him thirstier than normal.

- Nicolas draws! He used to be bad, but practice made perfect and now he even does livestreams of it (and because he's handsome now enough to get tons of donations).

- He's actually gotten quite successful as an artist!

- Is looking forward to virtual reality taking over his life.

- He used to visit conventions every chance he could, but now he gets invited to many to set up a booth.

- Has a pet hedgehog named Reginald.

- Has very bad asthma and carries an inhaler around with him.

- He's gotten slightly more open about his nerdy side since his art is often shown around, but he's still paranoid people will learn just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

- Nobody he knows in real life except a select few know about his anime double-life.