Fairy Quartz



6 years, 9 months ago


The Crooked Judge

. .

Name Fairy Quartz
Called Fairy Quartz
Age ???
DoB ???
Gender Female
Race Gem
Voice -
Orient. Pansexual
Occupation Judge, Jury, And Executioner
Design Notes 

  • Donec vel urna et quam scelerisque placerat
  • Suspendisse vel arcu mollis, mollis odio sed
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor
  • Nullam nec neque eget tortor hendrerit dictum a et massa
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas
  • Aenean scelerisque eros eget tellus consequat luctus

She has a knack for coming up with cruel and unusual punishments. She’s sneaky and uses her innocent looks to get gems to trust her. She's smart, devilishly so. She can be terrible to be around. She's intrigued by fighting and will do anything in her power to get other gems to fight. Can be extremely bitter.


  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.
  • Maecenas laoreet, enim ut ornare accumsan, ante nibh tristique ex, vitae laoreet purus mi a sapien.
  • Donec risus quam, efficitur non purus lobortis, tincidunt finibus ante. Pellentesque id congue risus.
  • Nullam egestas velit vitae purus ultricies suscipit. Nullam tincidunt eros tortor, nec placerat nunc interdum eu.
  • Quisque in consequat mi. Nulla facilisi. Sed accumsan massa at urna tempor, et cursus ligula mattis.

  • Distributing punishment
  • Seeing the fear in the eyes of the guilty

  • Rebels

Fairy Quartz was grown on homeworld, and thus has the stuck-up attitude of most native homeworld gems. She worked her way up the homeworld ladder and proved to her superiors that she could handle a more niche position that involved determining punishments for rebels. 

Eventually, she proved her worth so well that she was given three pearls, (White Pearl, Black Pearl, and Grey Pearl) and became the overseer for Bloodstones.

But this paradise didn't last forever. She was found and caught by Grape Agate and Desert Rose. As punishment for her crimes against innocent gem rebels, her pearls were shattered and bubbled. She herself was also bubbled and is currently spending time for her crimes on Grape's ship.

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