


8 years, 10 months ago


Name Kenny Ohrs
Age 16
Pronouns She/Her
Species Human
Location Belvite
Story TBA


A kid who, after recently having a close encounter with fae would-be kidnappers, started having a problem with ghosts randomly possessing her body. Or that's what she says is happening, others are a little bit doubtful since she's prone to doing odd things out of anger or paranoia anyways so the weird/violent shit the ghosts pull when they have control isn't entirely out of character.

And also she is at that age when kids do weird shit they're gonna be super embarrassed about in a few years anyways.

Currently on the search for help with this affliction and desperate for anyone to believe her about it.

Personality & Outlook

Pessimist to the point of paranoia. Doesn't follow anybody's rules but her own(which are sometimes reasonable, sometimes not so much, many are based in OCD-related delusions). If you treat her like a respectable person consistently enough she becomes much less volatile/hostile/defensive, but on a first encounter of people treating her with respect she tends to be suspicious that you're trying to bully her somehow.

Suspicious of everything, Stubborn. Gets worked up & yelly easily. Her number one peeve is people doubting the validity of her opinions/observations, even the ones she knows are odd. Hates to be teased or laughed at, even in a friendly way.

Powers & Assets

Always has a knife with her, despite several authority figures banning her from carrying weapons around. Her dad says it's important for her to feel secure & have the ability to defend herself & she hasn't actually stabbed anyone yet.

The fact she doesn't have a soul of her own is what attracts ghosts in the first place. Doesn't really seem like an ability but it has to be good for something, right?



Dad [dad]
She loves him but is also kinda sick of his inability to take anything seriously.


Marta [dad's girlfriend]
Dad's girlfriend who also doesn't take anything seriously but makes some good fuckn enchiladas so Kenny likes her more than dislikes her.


Lorant [friend]
The other weird kid from school, but they never actually talked until her ghost bullshit started happening and she heard he was a necromancer & thought he could help. He's her only friend that isn't over a decade older than her.


Maverick [exorcist /dad's girlfriend?]
If one necromancer can help TWO CAN DO IT BETTER. Lorant's teacher. She takes Kenny seriously so Kenny thinks she's cool(if a bit ignorant about the weirdest things). Also seems to be dating her dad???


Hyaki [role model /crush]
Her HERO who she has a BIG GAY CRUSH on. Hyaki hangs out with her dad a lot but Kenny rarely hangs out with her because she gets super flustered whenever they're in the same room. Mainly admires from afar and emulates by learning how to stab better.


Kayto [hero]
Kenny's more literal hero, who left town shortly after she presumably saved Kenny from getting taken by fae. She's kinda sad at not having a chance to thank her for that.


Vengeance [???]
Belvite's patron god, presumably? It has taken a liking to her since abandoning its post...


Sperm Donor [other biological parent]
She doesn't know much about him because Gale refuses to talk about him, but that in itself tells her this guy is a huge piece of shit & she's glad not to know him.


General tackiness with a layer of dork. Has little to no sense of design, likes the extremely basic black + red edgy teenager combo, with maybe some green in the mix.

A fan of the so-ugly-it's-cute genre of looks: old school troll dolls, bulldogs/other genetic clusterfuck domestic animals, orcs & other colorful ugly fantasy races. Novelty gifts of all kinds.


• Will always play a dwarf/dwarf-like character in a fantasy game, thinks they're super cute

• Can play a ukelele

• Kind of over her weeb phase but not really

• keeps getting crushes on women way too old for her

• Kinda wants to be a Belle!! They're cool & she loves justice but also she doesn't have the attention span to learn magic. Maybe she can make up for it by getting REALLY GOOD at stabbing shit.

Q & A

Q: Kenny seems like she might have difficulty getting along with people. Does she find it difficult making friends?
A: (OOC) SHE DOES... Kenny has a very abrasive personality, it takes a special kind of person to befriend her(patience & understanding are the big qualities here, but also not too much cuz then you just seem like a therapist & she hates that). She's not overly bothered by it cuz really she dislikes people about as much as they tend to dislike her. Well. I say dislike, but it's more like....fear/pity? She used to get bullied a bit until she pulled a knife on one of her harassers & that kinda cemented her reputation as Crazy. Her peers are wary of her & the adults in her life have to keep a close eye on her/tend to baby her a bit in an attempt to not trigger another violent episode(even though....she never actually assaulted anybody, just.....threatened to).

Q: How does she do in school? Is she a good student, or does she have difficulty with classes? Is there any classes she really likes or hates?
A: (OOC) The way the schooling system is set up HEAVILY disagrees with her personality so she tends to struggle a lot. Her attention span is as short as she is, she finds it overwhelming to be near so many people, and all of the arbitrary rules are INFURIATING & she butts heads with the authority figures often over complete non-issues(if she's hungry she will eat, if she needs to pee she will leave the classroom, if she's in a hurry she will run in the hall, dress code whomst?)

Mostly she hates all classes, but Gym class is the one she actually likes. She's not stuck to a desk, she can burn off some nervous energy playing games. I mean she gets in trouble for being rough & the other things teachers tend to not like even in other classes but she has fun despite that.

Artist Notes

  • Her art makes her look chibi but she's actually short & fat! Please don't thin her down :O
  • Super butch, often mistaken for a boy