Scoop's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Shibkit Global Rules

By owning a design created by me, user Shibkit ("the Designer"), you ("the Owner") affirm to have read and agree to be legally bound by the following Terms of Use listed below.

Failure to abide by the Terms of Use may result in a blacklist and/ or a public service announcement.

Please note that Terms of Use may be subject to change without prior notice.

These Terms of Use are in effect and up to date as of May 12, 2024.

These Terms of Use only apply to all of my designs unless otherwisestated.

  • You may redesign as much as you like (species, gender, markings, etc), just keep the original art/image in their toyhouse somewhere.
  • You may copy the image and draw over it for a redesign, just keep the original safe and seperate somewhere in case. (Please specify you added edits onto my art, credit yourself)
  • Feel free to co-own with anyone not on my blacklist
  • Please keep my designs on toyhouse, if you need to sell offsite ask me for a toyhouse code instead, I have hundreds.
  • You may give away any design for free but not to anyone on or affiliated with my blacklist
  • You may sell a design you got in a trade for money ONLY if you added a drawing. Dosent have to be good or even your art, it can be a scribble lol
  • Do not sell for a higher value than what you got them for unless you add something.
  • Do not use my designs for gross things such as but not limited to feral porn, underage porn, bathroom fetishes, etc. If I find you were drawing these things you will be blacklisted. Get someone else's designs to do that. I can't stop you obviously but I can make a callout so others know not to sell to someone who draws tgst sort of thing.
  • You may use my designs for dark topics if it's part of a story, for example feel free to make any of my designs a drunk or druggie I don't care lol